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Please indicate which of the following activities you would definitely participate in on a holiday (tick all that apply)
Visit a hill resort
Visiting places/monuments of religious importance (temples, shrines, mosques, churches, monasteries etc)
Observe wildlife
Visit family/friends/relatives
Cruise on houseboats
Visit theme parks
Mountain/Rock Climbing
Winter sports (Skiing, Skating, Sledging, Snow-boarding)
Business related work (attending conventions, conferences, trade fairs etc.)
Visit spas
Spending time with family
Visiting cultural/historical/heritage spots (like forts, palaces, architectural wonders etc)
Visit scenic spots like hills/valleys/wooded areas etc.
Visit a beach resort
Visit national parks/wildlife sanctuaries
Walking for pleasure
Water Sports (Jet Ski, diving, canoeing, kayaking, rafting, angling, yachting, surfing, speed boating etc.)


Very Low Low Medium High Very High
Need for peace & quite
Need to be one with nature
Need for introspection (spending time alone)
Need to see new things and places
Need to spend time with family
Need for novelty
Need to take a break
Need for action & excitement

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
Cost of a service/product is your most importatnt consideration for purchase
You hardly have time from work
You are funloving
You are ambitious
You are outgoing
You are nature conscious
You have achieved something in life
You are career oriented
You enjoy vigorous physical activity
You are family oriented
You enjoy trying new things
You enjoy adventure
Which newspapers do you subscribe to or read regularly?
Subscribe Read Regularly
National Newspaper (The Hindu, Indian Express, Times of India etc)
Regional Newspaper
Business magazines (Business world, Business today etc.)
New Magazines (India Today, Outlook, Frontline, Week)
Business Newspapers (Economic Times, Businessline etc.)
Sports Magazines (like Sportstar, Wisden etc.)
Regional Magazines
For each of the time periods shown below, please indicate the number of hours during a TYPICAL WEEKDAY you spend watching television.
Dont watch during this time < 1 hour 1 to 3 hours > 3 hours
* 7 am - 9 am
* 9 am - 5 pm
* 5 pm - 7:30 pm
* 7:30 pm - 11 pm
After 11 pm

* How many times have you holidayed in the last 3 years
> 3 times 1 to 3 times Did not holiday at all

* When planning holidays, which of the following do you genearlly do?
Consult a travel agent
Seek Friend's Advice
Plan independently
Refer to magazines/newspapers

* How many days is ideal for a holiday

* Who in your family decides on the types of holiday and destination?
You alone
Your spouse
Joint Decision

* Who would you prefer spending you holiday with? (rank on a scale of 1 to4, 1 being highest)

* Your vacation plans are most influenced by (please tick all that apply)
Work/Office schedules
Family obligations
Holiday periods
Personal preferences


* How do you choose a new destination for a vacation?
Word of mouth
Travel agents
T.V advertisements

* Who did you approach to organize your last holiday?
Tour operator
Made your own arrangements

* Which of the following did you enjoy least on your holiday?

* Age
16-21 22-25 26-29 30-35 36-40 41-50 > 50

* Gender
Male Female

* Marital Status
Single Married (without children) Married (with children) Widowed/Seperated

* Highest level of education
School Graduate Post-Graduation Doctorate

* Occupation
Self-employed (professional/business)
Part-time work

* Income Level (before taxes)
< 200,000 200,000 to 400,000 400,000 to 600,000 > 600,000

* Number of dependents
0 1 2 >2
Kindly state your e-mail address (privacy would not be violated)
Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this survey.
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