1. Dear practitioner: I am a graduate student at the University of Florida. As part of my coursework I am conducting an online survey about how practitioners perceive the roles of public relations in the brand development process. The purpose of this research is to explore the perceptions of public relations practitioners on the function of public relations in the marketing brand development process in contrast to their perceptions of other communication tools. It should take no longer than 15 minutes for you to answer the survey questions. You do not have to answer any question you do not wish to answer. If you wish to participate, clicking YES will take you to the Web site and the survey. Your identity will be kept confidential to the extent provided by law and your identity will not be revealed in the final manuscript. There are no anticipated risks, compensation or other direct benefits to you as a participant in this survey.If you withdraw your consent to participate and may discontinue your participation in the survey at any time without consequence. If you have any questions about this research protocol, please contact the researcher Ivelisse Guardiola at (407) 247-5328, or our faculty supervisor Dr. Sylvia Chan-Olmsted, at (352) 392-8730 or [email protected]. Questions or concerns about your rights as a research participant may be directed to the UFIRB office, University of Florida, Box 112250, Gainesville, FL 32611; ph (352) 392-0433. Please click YES if you accept and wish to. Click NO if you do not wish to complete the survey. You give us permission to report your responses anonymously in the final manuscript to be submitted to my faculty supervisor as part of our course work. I have read the procedure described above. I voluntarily agree to participate in the survey and I have received a copy of this description.
Do you accept and wish to continue with the survey? |
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2. In what department do you work? |
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3. What is the size of your department? |
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4. To what degree of importance do you consider the role of the following areas in developing brand credibility?
5. To what degree of importance do you consider the role of the following areas in order to garner third-party endorsement?
6. To what degree of importance do you consider the role of the following areas in developing the brand image?
7. To what degree of importance do you consider the role of the following areas when targeting editorial context (written information to be published)?
8. To what degree of importance do you consider the role of the following areas for creating brand equity (value of the brand in the market)?
9. To what degree of importance do you consider the role of the following areas in branding (creat characteristics in certain product or service to distinguish from competition)?
10. To what degree of importance do you consider the role of the following areas to increase sales?
11. In what marketing objectives do you think is public relations is more used? (MARK ALL THAT APPLY) |
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12. To what degree of importance do you consider the role of the following areas when targeting a niche market (audience considered unique)?
13. Do you think brand managers would consider Public Relations, when: (MARK ALL THAT APPLY) |
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14. Does Public Relations works better than other marketing disciplines, when: (MARK ALL THAT APPLY) |
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15. To what degree of importance do you consider the role of the following areas when the company is in the early stage of launching a new brand?
16. Under which functions do you think public relations to be stronger than advertising? (MARK ALL THAT APPLY) |
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19. What is your type of organization? |
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20. For how long have you been practicing public relations? |
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21. In what country do you practice the majority of public relations? |
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22. What is your annual household income (in New Taiwan Dollar)? |
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23. What is your highest education level? |
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24. What is your annual household income? |
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25. What is your highest education level? |
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26. Thanks for your help and have a nice day. |
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