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University of Virginia Division of Perceptual Stud

University of Virginia Division of Perceptual Studies Unusual Experience Study Questionnaire
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Informed Consent Agreement

Please read this consent agreement carefully before you decide to participate in the study.

Purpose of the research study: The purpose of the study is to learn more about near-death experiences and their aftereffects.

What you will do in the study: You will be asked to complete questionnaires describing your experience and its effects, if any. These questionnaires will be mailed or e-mailed to you, and you may complete them in your home at your convenience. We may also wish to interview you in person to learn more about your experience and its effects. If that is the case, we will contact you to arrange a time and place that are convenient for you, and, if you agree, we may audiotape the interview.

Time required: The preliminary questionnaire usually takes between 30 and 60 minutes to complete, depending on how extensive your experience was and what you are able to recall of it. Depending on your responses to this questionnaire, we may send you further questionnaires from time to time, which would be of comparable length. If we should decide to interview you in person about your experience, that interview may also take about an hour.

Risks: There are no expected risks to your participation in this study.

Benefits: There are no direct benefits to you for participating in this research study. The study may help us understand near-death experiences and their effects on people’s lives.

Confidentiality: The information that you give in the study will be handled confidentially. Your information will be assigned a code number. The list connecting your name to this code will be kept in a locked file. When the study is completed and the data have been analyzed, this list will be destroyed. Your name will not be used in any report. If we audiotape an interview with you, we will erase the tape as soon as we have used it to make an accurate written account of the interview (usually within a month of the interview).

Voluntary participation: Your participation in the study is completely voluntary.

Right to withdraw from the study: You have the right to withdraw from the study at any time without penalty. If you do withdraw from the study, the information you have given us, including the audiotape if one was made, will be destroyed.

How to withdraw from the study: If you want to withdraw from the study, just tell us you no longer wish to participate. There is no penalty for withdrawing.

Payment: You will receive no payment for participating in the study.

If you have questions about the study, contact: Dr. Bruce Greyson, Division of Perceptual Studies, University of Virginia Health System, P.O. Box 800152, Charlottesville, VA 22908-0152. Phone: (434) 924-2281.

If you have questions about your rights in the study, contact:
Tonya R. Moon, Ph.D., Chair, Institutional Review Board for the Social and Behavioral Sciences, One Morton Drive Suite 500, University of Virginia, P.O. Box 800392, Charlottesville, VA 22908-0392; telephone: (434) 924-5999; e-mail: [email protected]; website:

This is a questionnaire about near-death experiences, which are unusual experiences that may occur during a frightening or dangerous situation, such as being near death. Some of the questions may not apply to your experience. Do not be concerned about that. Just skip those questions.

In many places we ask you to be specific and we hope that you can be, because details are important. However, if you do not remember some item of information exactly, write whatever you do remember.

All information obtained from this questionnaire will remain completely confidential and no publication of the results of this study will contain information that could identify participants in any way.

Please use additional pages if we have not provided enough space for your answer to any question.
* 1. Name:
* 2. Date questionnaire completed:
* 3. Date of birth:
4. Time of birth (and specify am or pm):
5. Place of birth:
* 6. Sex
* 7. Marital status now:
Married or living with partner
Separated or divorced
* 8. Marital status at time of NDE:
Married or living with partner
Separated or divorced
9. Race:
Native American
10. Cultural roots (family origin):
Middle East
Australia/New Zealand (Aboriginal)
North America (Native American)
South America (Native American)
11. What is the highest level of education that you have completed?
12. What was the highest level of education you had completed at the time of your NDE?
13. What was your occupation at the time of your NDE?
14. What is your present occupation?
Circumstances Before and During Your NDE
15 a. What date did your NDE occur on? Please be as specific as possible.
15 b. What time did your NDE occur? Please be as specific as possible.
16. In what state or country did your NDE occur?
17. Where did your NDE occur? Please be as specific as possible (for example, in a hospital, at home, in some other building, outdoors, in a vehicle, etc.):
18. What was your age at the time?
19. How would you describe your health just prior to your NDE?
excellent health
moderately good health, no serious problems
experienced a serious health problem within 1 year before the NDE
seriously ill at the time of the NDE
20 a. Was your NDE associated with an illness?
20 b. what was your diagnosis?
20 c. How long did this illness last?
20 d. How severe was your illness?
20 e. Please describe any complications:
21 a. Was your NDE associated with a surgical operation?
21 b. If so, what kind of operation did you have and what was the reason for it?
21 c. How long did the operation last?
21 d. Please describe the type of anesthesia used (for example, gas, spinal, injection, local):
21 e. Please describe any complications:
22 a. Was your NDE associated with childbirth?
22 b. If so, please describe any anesthesia or pain medication used:
22 c. Please describe any complications that occurred:
23 a. Was your NDE associated with an accident, such as a vehicular accident, a near-drowning, or a fall?
23 b. Please describe the accident and how it happened:
24 a. Was your NDE associated with a suicide attempt?
24 b. If so, please describe the means (type of drug or weapon) and severity of your attempt:
25 a. Was your NDE associated with intentional wounding by someone else?
25 b. If so, please describe the means and circumstances, and the severity of your injury:
26 a. Was your NDE associated with an allergic or drug reaction?
26 b. If so, please describe the allergen or drug involved:
27 a. Was your NDE associated with any circumstances or causes not mentioned above?
27 b. If so, please describe the circumstances or possible cause:
28 a. Was your NDE associated with no particular illness or injury?
28 b. If so, please describe the circumstances (for example, sleep, lying in bed awake, unusual stress, ingestion of recreational drugs, etc.):
29. How suddenly did your NDE occur after the onset of the illness, injury, or condition that caused it?
within 5 minutes of the onset of the condition
within 1 hour of the onset of the condition
within 24 hours of the onset of the condition
more than 24 hours after the onset of the condition
no known condition caused my NDE
30. At the present time, how severe do you think your condition was at the time of your NDE?
ill or injured, but not seriously
seriously ill or injured, but not near death
near death, but not in crisis and did not lose vital signs
lost vital signs or considered dead
no illness or injury involved
fear of injury or dying (for example, in near-accident)
31. Did you lose consciousness during your NDE (or did it appear to others that you had)?
32. If you lost consciousness or appeared to be unconscious, for how long did that last?
up to 10 seconds
longer than 10 seconds, up to 1 hour
longer than 1 hour, up to 6 hours
longer than 6 hours, up to 24 hours
longer than 24 hours
33. If you lost consciousness or appeared to be unconscious, what was the cause?
head injury
cardiac arrest
drugs or alcohol
34. If you lost consciousness or appeared to be unconscious, how suddenly did that occur?
moderately suddenly
very suddenly
35. If your loss of consciousness was not distinct (for example, you drifted in and out of consciousness), please describe your experience of loss of consciousness:
36. What was the position of your body at the start of your NDE?
standing or walking
lying down
in water
37 a. Were any medical personnel present during your NDE?
37 b. If so, please list their names:
38 a. Were any other individuals (for example, relatives, friends, clergy) present during your NDE?
38 b. If so, please list their names:
39 a. Please indicate if you took any of the following substances within 24 hours prior to your experience - alcohol (type and amount):
39 b. Please indicate if you took any of the following substances within 24 hours prior to your experience - hallucinogenic drugs (type and dose):
39 c. Please indicate if you took any of the following substances within 24 hours prior to your experience - prescription drugs (type and dose):
39 d. Please indicate if you took any of the following substances within 24 hours prior to your experience - non-prescription drugs such as cold or allergy medications (type and dose):
39 e. Please indicate if you took any of the following substances within 24 hours prior to your experience - pain-killers (type and dose):
39 f. Please indicate if you took any of the following substances within 24 hours prior to your experience - sedatives or tranquilizers (type and dose):
39 g. Please indicate if you took any of the following substances within 24 hours prior to your experience - stimulants (such as coffee and tea)(type and amount):
39 h. Please indicate if you took any of the following substances within 24 hours prior to your experience - other (please specify type and dose):
40. Please describe any other medical circumstances associated with your NDE that have not already been described above:
Features of the NDE
"Out-of-Body" Experience
41. Did you feel separated from your physical body during your NDE?
The following 26 questions are about an “out-of-body” experience. If you answered “Yes” to question 41, please answer questions 42 through 67. If you answered “No,” please skip these questions and go on to question 68.
42 a. What was your relationship to your physical body during your NDE?
I saw my body from another position
I felt “out of body” with a sense of being in a nonphysical body, but did not see my physical body
I felt “out of body” with no sense of being in any kind of body, but only a sense of consciousness
42 b. I saw my body from another position (please specify):
43. Did you feel yourself leave your physical body?
44. How easy was it to leave your physical body?
easy or painless
mildly difficult or uncomfortable
very difficult or painful
I do not remember
45. How rapidly did you leave your physical body?
instantaneously, all at once
I do not remember
46. What made you leave your physical body?
wanted to leave
something external pulled me out
someone pulled me out
forced out by a change in my physical body
47 a. Do you recall a specific exit route by which you left your physical body?
47 b. If so, please describe that exit route:
48. Did you move from place to place without your physical body?
49. If you did move without your physical body, how fast was that movement?
normal speed, as if walking
much faster than walking
I don’t remember
50. If you did move without your physical body, please describe the type of movement you experienced (for example, floating, drifting, instantaneous, purposeful, etc.):
51. What caused you to move without your physical body?
moved at will
moved by some external force
52. How far did you seem to travel from your physical body?
stayed within several yards (for example, in the same room)
beyond several yards (for example, into another room)
to a distant location (for example, to another building or town)
to some location that did not seem to be on our familiar Earth
53. What effect (if any) did you exert on physical objects while you were out of your body?
unusual effect (for example, I could pass through walls)
normal effect (for example, I could pick up and move objects)
I don't remember or did not try
54. What effect did you exert on people physically present while you were out of your body?
none (for example, they could not see or hear you)
normal (for example, they saw and heard you as usual)
I don't remember or did not try
55. What effect did others who were physically present have on you while you were out of body?
no effect (for example, I could not see or hear them)
normal (for example, I saw and heard them as usual)
56. How easy was it to return to your physical body?
easy or painless
mildly difficult or uncomfortable
very difficult or painful
I don’t remember
57. How rapidly did you return to your physical body?
instantaneously, all at once
I don’t remember
58. Please describe any additional details that you remember about leaving your physical body:
59. Did you seem to have another, nonphysical body while you were out of your physical body?
60. How was your nonphysical body clothed?
not clothed at all
wearing the same things as my physical body
wearing different, but ordinary, clothing
wearing unusual clothing (please specify)
61. How heavy did your nonphysical body feel?
heavier than physical body
same weight as physical body
lighter than physical body
62. How large was your nonphysical body?
larger than physical body
same size as physical body
smaller than physical body
63. What age did your nonphysical body seem to be?
older than physical body
same age as physical body
younger than physical body
64. What signs of “life” did your nonphysical body seem to have?
heartbeat or pulse, breathing
65 a. If your physical body has any “defects,” such as scars, deformities, needing eyeglasses, or needing hearing aids, were these “defects” also present in your nonphysical body?
nonphysical body had “defects” that are present in physical body
nonphysical body had “defects” that are not present in physical body
nonphysical body did not have “defects” that are present in physical body
neither physical nor nonphysical body had any “defects”
65 b. Please describe any “defects” that were present or absent in your nonphysical body:
66 a. Did you notice any other differences between your physical body and your nonphysical body?
66 b. If so, please describe any other differences you noticed:
67 a. Did you notice any connection or “link” between your physical body and your nonphysical body?
67 b. If so, please describe that connection or “link”:
Experience of Light
68. During your NDE, did you see a light?
The following 9 questions are about an experience of light. If you answered “Yes” to question 68, please answer questions 69 through 77. If you answered “No,” please skip these questions and go on to question 78.
69. Which of the following best describes the intensity of the light you experienced?
weak glimmer
normal light
brighter than normal
very brilliant
brightness of a thousand suns
70. Did the light change in intensity?
lessened in intensity
stayed the same
grew in intensity
other change in intensity (please describe):
71. Was the light that you experienced localized?
the light was not localized; it was everywhere
the light was localized, close
the light was localized, far away
72. Did you experience a movement of the light?
the light moved toward me
the light moved away from me
I felt compelled to move toward the light
I moved toward the light voluntarily
I moved away from the light
no movement experienced
other, or combination of the above (please specify):
73. If you experienced a movement of the light, how would you describe its speed?
very rapid
average speed
very slow
74. Did you enter the light, or merge with it, or become one with it?
75. Which of the following best describes the shape of the light?
rays emanating
objects glowing
no shape, undefined light
red pool in center
76. Please check any of the following that you associate with your experience of the light:
it was loving
it was warm
it was calming
it was beautiful
it was frightening
it was harmful
it was blinding or hurt my eyes
77. Please describe any other details, including your feelings, that you associate with your experience of light:
Tunnel or Darkness
78 a. Did you experience a tunnel or dark void during your NDE?
78 b. If so, please describe it:
79. If you did experience a tunnel or dark void, did you enter it?
I saw a tunnel or dark void but did not enter it
I saw a tunnel or dark void and entered it voluntarily
I saw a tunnel or dark void and entered it involuntarily
80. If you did experience a tunnel or dark void, please describe any movement you experienced toward, away from, or through it. Include the position of your body, the speed of your movement, and the relationship of the tunnel or dark void to any other feature of your NDE:
Experience of Other Persons or Beings
81. During your NDE, did you meet, see, hear, or become aware of any persons or beings who were not physically present?
The following 10 questions are about persons or beings you met during your NDE. If you answered “Yes” to question 81, please answer questions 82 through 91. If you answered “No,” please skip these questions and go on to question 92.
82 a. Did you meet or become aware of a deceased person?
82 b. If so, how many deceased persons did you meet or become aware of?
82 c. If you met or became aware of more than one deceased person, did they all appear together?
82 d. If you met or became aware of more than one deceased person, did they know each other while they were alive?
they all had known each other while alive
some of them had known each other while alive
they had not known each other while alive
83. Were there deceased loved ones whom you might have seen, but did not?
84 a. Did you meet or become aware of a person who was still living?
84 b. If so, how many living persons did you meet or become aware of?
85. Did you meet or become aware of a “Being of Light”?
86. Did you meet or become aware of a religious figure, such as God, Jesus, a saint, or a guide?
87. Did you meet or become aware of someone you could not identify?
88. Did you sense the presence of someone whom you could not see?
yes, someone I could not identify
yes, someone I could identify (please specify whom):
89. Did any of these persons or beings whom you met communicate with you?
yes, by speaking
yes, by telepathy
yes, by gestures
yes, in other ways (please specify):
90. Did any of these persons or beings whom you met seem to have some purpose toward you?
to welcome me, or beckon me on, or ask me to join them
to guide or help me
to express love or reassurance
to judge me
to send me back or tell me that my time had not yet come
91. Please describe in detail who the persons you met were, what they looked like (appearance, clothing), how you recognized them, and what happened when you met:
Other Realms or Visions
92 a. Did you find yourself in any “other realm,” or a place different from the surroundings of your physical body?
92 b. If so, please describe this other realm or place:
93 a. If so, which of the following best describes that “other realm”?
valley, meadow, etc.
outer space
other recognizable place
93 b. other recognizable place (please specify):
94 a. Did you experience any other vision of a different place, realm, or dimension?
94 b. If so, please describe your vision:
95 a. Did you experience a “border” or “point of no return,” or some barrier that you could not pass?
95 b. If so, please describe it, including what prevented you from crossing it and what you think would have happened it you had crossed it:
96. Did you have some kind of experience of being judged or held accountable for your life?
yes, I judged myself
yes, some deceased person judged me
yes, some unseen presence judged me
yes, the “Being of Light” judged me
yes, some religious figure judged me (such as God or Jesus)
no experience of being judged or held accountable
yes, some other being judged me (please specify):
97. If you were judged, what was the result of the judgment?
positive or favorable
negative or unfavorable
mixed positive and negative
I was told it was not time to be judged
I was judged but not told the result
no experience of being judged or held accountable
98. How clear was your sense of vision during your NDE?
clearer than usual
as clear as usual
not as clear as usual
99. How bright did your field of vision seem?
brighter than usual
as bright as usual
darker than usual
100. Was your perception of color different from the way it usually is?
colors were more vivid than usual
colors were the same as usual
colors were less vivid than usual
colors were changed in some other way (please describe):
101. Please describe any other changes in your sense of vision, or any unusual visual experiences you had, during your NDE:
102. How clear was your sense of hearing during your NDE?
clearer than usual
as clear as usual
less clear than usual
I did not hear anything during my NDE
103. How loud did sounds seems to be in your NDE?
louder than usual
as loud as usual
quieter than usual
I did not hear anything during my NDE
104 a. Did you hear any voices speaking during your NDE?
yes, I heard voices coming from people not physically present
yes, but I could not tell where they were coming from
yes, I heard voices of people physically present or near my body
yes, I heard more than one of the above
no, I did not hear any voices speaking
104 b. If you heard voices speaking, please describe what you heard:
105 a. Did you hear any music or singing during your NDE?
105 b. If so, please describe what you heard:
106. Please describe any other changes in your sense of hearing, or any unusual sounds, that you recall from your NDE:
107 a. Did you experience any unusual odors or changes in your sense of smell?
107 b. If so, please describe:
108 a. Did you experience any unusual tastes or changes in your sense of taste?
108 b. If so, please describe:
109. Did you experience a change in the amount of physical pain you felt during your NDE?
increase in the amount of physical pain
no change in the amount of physical pain
decrease in the amount of physical pain
complete disappearance of physical pain
I don’t remember
I had no pain before or during my NDE
110. If the amount of physical pain you felt changed, how rapid was that change?
I don’t remember
111 a. Did you experience any unusual “physical” feelings, or changes in your senses of touch, temperature, or other bodily sensations?
111 b. If so, please describe:
112 a. Did any of your senses change during the NDE itself, for example, fluctuations in the clarity of your vision?
112 b. If so, please describe:
113. How rapidly did time seem to pass during your NDE?
faster than usual
the same as usual
slower than usual
I had a feeling of timelessness, or time became meaningless or ceased to exist
114. How long did your NDE seem to you to last?
up to 10 seconds
longer than 10 seconds, up to 1 hour
longer than 1 hour, up to 6 hours
longer than 6 hours, up to 24 hours
longer than 24 hours
it seemed to last forever or was timeless
Other duration (please specify):
115. How long did your NDE actually last in physical time?
up to 10 seconds
longer than 10 seconds, up to 1 hour
longer than 1 hour, up to 6 hours
longer than 6 hours, up to 24 hours
longer than 24 hours
116. How clear was your thinking during your NDE?
clearer than usual
as clear as usual
less clear than usual
Other (please describe):
117: How rapid was your thinking during your NDE?
faster than usual
as fast as usual
slower than usual
118. How would your describe your train of thought during your NDE, the connection between one thought and the next?
sequence of thoughts was more logical than usual
sequence of thoughts was as logical as usual
sequence of thoughts was less logical than usual
Other (please describe):
119. How much control did you seem to have over your thoughts?
more control than usual
as much control as usual
less control than usual
no control at all over my thoughts
Other (please decribe):
120. Did your thoughts contain
a mixture of words and images more or less as usual
much more words and much fewer images than usual
much more images and much fewer words than usual
no words, but only images, impressions, and feelings
any other difference from my usual thoughts (please describe):
121. Did you suddenly seem to understand things, for example, about the universe?
122 a. Where did your center of consciousness - that is, the place where your thinking was going on - seem to be during your NDE?
in my physical body
in a nonphysical body
in some other particular place
traveling around
everywhere at once
Other (please describe):
122 b. in some other particular place (please specify):
123. What were you thinking about most during your NDE?
my future
my present situation
my past
people I was leaving behind
Other (please describe):
124 a. During your NDE, did you have any apparent extrasensory perception (ESP), for example, hearing a conversation or seeing events going on at some place far from your physical body?
124 b. If so, please describe what you perceived:
124 c. Did you later learn than those events really had happened just as you perceived them?
124 d. Did you tell anyone else about this ESP experience soon after you had it?
124 e. If so, whom did you tell?
125 a. During your NDE, did you become aware of events that would occur in the future?
125 b. If so, please describe what you became aware of:
126 a. Did anyone else tell you that they had an ESP experience about you during your NDE?
126 b. If so, please describe who, and what he or she experienced:
127. Did any memories of your life come back to you during your NDE?
yes, one memory or a few memories
yes, many memories
yes, my whole life came back to me
128 a. Did you experience any memories that seemed to be from a previous lifetime?
128 b. If so, please describe them:
129. Please choose on each line whether you felt the following ways during your NDE:
extremely somewhat not at all
one with everything
lonely or isolated
free or unburdened
guilty or burdened
excited or energetic
tired or lethargic
extremely somewhat not at all
curious or interested
indifferent or detached
pleased or content
angry or irritated
peaceful, calm, or relaxed
anxious or tense
hopeful or optimistic
despairing or pessimistic
confident or assured
afraid or uncertain
extremely somewhat not at all
loving or caring
hateful or uncaring
any other positive emotion
any other negative emotion
130. What was the overall emotional tone of your NDE?
extremely positive
somewhat positive
extremely negative
somewhat negative
neither or neutral
131. Did your NDE change in emotional tone?
yes, from negative or frightening to positive
yes, from positive to negative or frightening
mixed, back and forth
132. Please describe any other emotions you felt during your NDE:
Ending of NDE
133. During your NDE, what did you think was gong to happen to you?
I knew I would return to life
I thought I would return to life
I thought I would go into some other realm, dimension, or condition
I thought I would simply stop existing
I had no ideas about my future
I don’t remember now what I thought at the time
other thoughts about your future (please describe):
134. Why did it seem to you at the time that your NDE ended?
I wanted to return
I did not want to return, but nevertheless made the choice to do so
I was sent back by a deceased person
I was sent back by a religious figure or Being of Light
I was sent back by an unknown person
I was sent back by an unknown force
other (please specify):
135. Did you think about loved ones just prior to returning?
136. So far as you know, how did your NDE end?
as a result of medical intervention
Other (please specify):
137. Did you feel fear just prior to returning?
very afraid
somewhat afraid
no fear
138. Please describe any other aspects you can recall about the ending of your NDE, including any feature of your NDE that seemed to bring it to an end:
139. Please describe any other features of your NDE not mentioned above:
Memory of Your NDE
140. Did you remember your NDE immediately upon regaining normal consciousness?
141. If you did not remember your NDE immediately upon regaining consciousness, when did you first remember it?
142. If you did not remember your NDE immediately upon regaining consciousness, how did the memory of your NDE return?
spontaneously and suddenly
spontaneously and gradually
after deliberate attempt to remember it, and suddenly
after deliberate attempt to remember it, and gradually
143. If you did not remember your NDE immediately upon regaining consciousness, how much time elapsed between your NDE and your first memory of it?
144. If you did not remember your NDE immediately upon regaining consciousness, please describe the circumstances that led to your first memory of your NDE:
145. How does the memory of your NDE compare to memories of other events in your life?
memory of NDE is clearer or more vivid than memories of other events
memory of NDE is just as clear and vivid as memories of other events
memory of NDE is not as clear or vivid as memories of other events
146. Do you often think about your NDE?
yes, often
yes, occasionally
only rarely or not at all
147. Please describe any other aspects of your memory of your NDE that are not mentioned above:
Psychological Factors Prior to NDE
148. Overall, would you say that you had a happy childhood?
149. Had you ever abused alcohol or drugs before your NDE?
150. Had you ever had psychiatric or psychological counseling before your NDE?
151. In what religious tradition were you raised?
Eastern (Hindu, Buddhist)
Other (please specify):
152. What was your religious preference at the time of your experience?
Eastern (Hindu, Buddhist)
Other (please specify):
153. Just prior to your NDE, how often were you attending religious services?
more than once a week
once a week
once a month
occasionally or irregularly
holidays only
154 a. Were you under any unusual stress, or undergoing significant life changes, at the time of your NDE?
154 b. If so, please describe:
155. Just before your NDE, did you think or fear that you might die?
156. Just before your NDE, how serious did you think your medical condition was?
I was not aware of any illness or injury
I thought I had a mild illness or injury
I thought I faced the threat of illness or injury
I thought I had a serious illness or injury
I thought I was on the brink of death
I thought or feared I was dead
157. Just before your NDE, how well did you understand your medical condition?
I had no idea what was happening
I knew something was wrong, or about to go wrong, but was not sure what
I understood fairly well what was happening
I understood very well what was happening
158. Just before your NDE, how confused did you feel about your medical condition?
I was not at all confused about what was happening
I was mildly confused about what was happening
I was moderately confused about what was happening
I was very confused about what was happening
I did not think about what was happening to me
159. When did you become aware of the seriousness of your medical condition?
before the NDE began
during the NDE
after the NDE
my condition was not serious
160 a. How did you become aware of the seriousness of your medical condition?
I was told
something I overheard made me think my condition was serious
Some other way (please specify):
160 b. something I overheard made me think my condition was serious (please specify what you heard):
161. Just before your NDE, what was your attitude toward living or dying?
I was trying to die
I wanted to die, but was not actively trying to do so
I did not care whether I lived or died
I did not want to die, but I was not actively fighting to live
I wanted to live, and was actively fighting to do so
Other (please specify):
162. Just before your NDE, did you let go or try to remain in control?
I struggled to remain in control or fought to stay alive
I let go or gave in to what was happening
Other (please specify):
163. What was your mood just before your NDE began?
more positive than usual
more negative than usual
my usual mood
I don’t remember
Other (please specify):
164. How mentally alert were you just before your NDE began?
more alert than usual
less alert than usual
as alert as usual
I don’t remember
Other (please specify):
165 a. Are you aware of any event that seemed to trigger your NDE?
165 b. If so, please describe that event:
Unusual Experiences Prior to Your NDE
We are interested in learning whether you had ever had any of the following unusual experiences before your NDE. Please check any of the following that apply to you. You may check more than one category. A space will be provided at the end for you to include any more detailed description of your prior unusual experiences. If you can, please note at what age and how often you had the experience:
166 - 187. Check the following that apply to you.
“Met” someone you know in a dream and later learned that the other person had “met” you in his or her dream, and your seemingly shared the same dream experience together.
Had a clear and specific dream that matched in detail an event that you did not know about at the time of the dream, and later learned that such an event did occur
While you were awake, had the feeling that a previously unexpected event had just happened or was about to happen, and later learned that such an event did occur
Have been the subject of someone else=s psychic or ESP experience or dream
While you were completely awake, had a vivid impression of seeing, hearing, or being touched by someone or some being, when there was no one there
Had any experience in which you left your physical body
Saw a light or halo or aura around or about someone=s head or body
Had a distinct feeling that you had been someplace before, when actually it was the first time
Seen a UFO or had contact with extraterrestrial beings
Had what seemed to be a memory of a past lifetime
Been hypnotized to regress to a past lifetime
Been hypnotized for any other purpose
Have been “possessed” by a “spirit”
Communicated with the dead
Saw an object move with no apparent physical cause
Used “mind-expanding” drugs such as marijuana or LSD
Practiced yoga, meditation, or self-hypnosis on a regular basis
Sought guidance or advice from a fortune teller, card reader, palmist, psychic, astrologer, etc.
Felt a profound or deeply moving sense of unity and oneness with all of nature, creation, or God
Had been “healed” of a serious physical problem by a psychic healer or faith healer
Had the ability yourself to “heal” some one else of a serious physical problem
Had a previous experience where you had come close to death, survived, and had an unusual experience at the time (sometimes called a “near-death experience”)

188. Please add any additional comments about any of the above experiences that you had before your NDE, including your age at the time and how often it occurred:
189 a. Before your NDE, had you known anyone else who had had any of the unusual experiences described above?
189 b. If so, please describe who and what:
190. Before your NDE, how much had you read or heard about NDEs?
a lot
very little
none at all
191. Before your NDE, how much had you read or heard about psychical research or parapsychology?
a lot
very little
none at all
192. Before your NDE, how much had you read or heard about religious miracles?
a lot
very little
none at all
193. Please describe any other psychological factors from the period prior to your NDE that you think might be relevant in any way to your NDE:
Aftereffects of Your NDE
194. Do you believe that your NDE affected how quickly or how fully you recovered from the illness or injury that led to your NDE?
I believe I was completely healed by my NDE
I believe I recovered more quickly or more fully that normal because of my NDE
I believe I recovered more slowly or less fully than normal because of my NDE
I don=t believe my NDE affected my recovery
195 a. Did any medical professionals ever comment on how quickly or slowly you recovered?
195 b. If so, who commented and what did they say?
196. How would you describe your general state of health at the present time?
moderately good, with no serious health problem
I experienced a serious health problem within the past year
I have at this time a serious health problem
197. Do you think that your general state of health changed as a result of your NDE?
I think my health has improved because of my NDE
I think my health has deteriorated because of my NDE
198. Do you think that your health habits changed as a result of your NDE?
I think my health habits have improved because of my NDE
I think my health habits have deteriorated because of my NDE
199. What is your present religious preference?
Eastern (Hindu, Buddhist)
200. Did your religious or spiritual beliefs change as a result of your NDE?
201. How often do you attend religious services now?
more than once a week
once a week
once a month
occasionally or irregularly
on holidays only
202. Did your private religious or spiritual practices change as a result of your NDE?
203. How often did you remember your dreams before your NDE?
every night
almost every night
about once a week
about once a month
204. How often do you remember your dreams now?
every night
almost every night
about once a week
about once a month
205. Has your ability to recall dreams changed since your NDE?
I remember more dreams now
I remember fewer dreams now
no change
206. Please describe any other changes in your dreams since your NDE:
207 a. Have you ever had a dream in which you knew, during the dream, that you were dreaming?
207 b. If so, how often did this occur?
208 a. Have you ever been able to control your dream, or determine your actions in the dream?
208 b. If so, how often did this occur?
209 a. Have your attitudes or beliefs changed as a result of your NDE?
209 b. If so, how quickly did those changes occur?
210. Did the NDE change your general disposition (mood, spirits, sense of well-being)?
mood improved
mood deteriorated
no change
mood changed in some other way (please describe):
211. Did your NDE change the way you felt about yourself?
I feel better about myself
I feel worse about myself
no change
other change (please specify):
212. Did your NDE change your relationships with close family and friends?
relationships improved
relationships deteriorated
no change
other change (please specify):
213. Did your NDE change your relationships with people in general (acquaintances, co-workers, strangers)?
relationships improved
relationships deteriorated
no change
other change (please specify):
214. Did your NDE change your substance abuse behavior?
I started or increased substance abuse after my NDE
I stopped or decreased substance abuse after my NDE
no change
other change (please specify):
215. Did your NDE change your general level of serenity (sense of peacefulness, acceptance of the ups and downs of life)?
increased serenity
decreased serenity
no change
216. Did your NDE change your altruistic behavior (for example, giving up your place in line to someone else who seems to be in a hurry, helping those in need, working as a volunteer, or contributing to charitable causes)?
increase in altruistic behavior
decrease in altruistic behavior
no change
217. Did your NDE change your fear of death?
increased fear of death
decreased fear of death
no change
218 a. Did the NDE change your beliefs about survival after death?
218 b. If so, please specify:
219 a. Did you change your lifestyle or activities as a result of your NDE?
219 b. If so, please specify:
220 a. Did your NDE play a significant role in a divorce or break-up of a relationship?
220 b. If so, please specify:
221 a. Did your NDE play a significant role in a change in your job or occupation?
221 b. If so, please specify:
222. Did you seek counseling after your NDE?
yes, to talk about my NDE
yes, because of changes resulting from my NDE
yes, for reasons not related to my NDE
I was already in counseling at the time of my NDE
223. Has the impact of your NDE on your life changed over time?
impact has increased over time
impact has diminished over time
impact has remained the same over time
If the impact of your NDE has changed over time, how many months or years was it at full strength?
Did your near-death experience change . . .
Questions 224 - 267
strongly increased no change strongly decreased
your desire to help others?
your compassion for others?
your appreciation for the "ordinary things of life"?
your ability to listen patiently to others?
your feelings of self-worth?
your interest in psychic phenomena?
your concern with the material things of life?
your tolerance for others?
your interest in creating a "good impression"?
your concern with spiritual matters?
strongly increased no change strongly decreased
your interest in organized religion?
your understanding of yourself?
your desire to achieve a higher consciousness?
your ability to express love for others openly?
your interest in "living the good life"?
your insight into the problems of others?
your appreciation of nature?
your religious feelings?
your understanding of "what life is all about"?
your personal sense of purpose in life?
strongly increased no change strongly decreased
your belief in a higher power?
your understanding of others?
your sense of the sacred aspect of life?
your ambitions to achieve a higher standard of living?
your desire for solitude?
your sense that there is some inner meaning to your life?
your involvement in family life?
your fear of death?
your desire to become a well-known person?
your tendency to pray?
strongly increased no change strongly decreased
your openness to the idea of reincarnation?
your interest in self-understanding?
your inner sense of God's presence?
your feelings of personal vulnerability?
your conviction that there is a life after death?
your interest in what others think of you?
your concern with political matters?
your interest in achieving material success in life?
your acceptance of others?
your search for personal meaning?
your concern with questions of social justice?
your interest in issues relating to death and dying?
your interest in competition; that is, in sports, or being a "winner"?
your tolerance for violence, such as violence on television?
Unusual Experiences After Your NDE
We are interested in learning whether you had ever had any of the following unusual experiences after your NDE. Please check any of the following that apply to you. You may check more than one category. A space will be provided at the end for you to include any more detailed description of your prior unusual experiences. If you can, please note at what age and how often you had the experience:
268 - 289. Please check any of the following that apply to you.
“Met” someone you know in a dream and later learned that the other person had “met” you in his or her dream, and your seemingly shared the same dream experience together.
Had a clear and specific dream that matched in detail an event that you did not know about at the time of the dream, and later learned that such an event did occur
While you were awake, had the feeling that a previously unexpected event had just happened or was about to happen, and later learned that such an event did occur
Have been the subject of someone else’s psychic or ESP experience or dream
While you were completely awake, had a vivid impression of seeing, hearing, or being touched by someone or some being, when there was no one there
Had any experience in which you left your physical body
Saw a light or halo or aura around or about someone’s head or body
Had a distinct feeling that you had been someplace before, when actually it was the first time
Seen a UFO or had contact with extraterrestrial beings
Had what seemed to be a memory of a past lifetime
Been hypnotized to regress to a past lifetime
Been hypnotized for any other purpose
Have been “possessed” by a “spirit”
Communicated with the dead
Saw an object move with no apparent physical cause
Used “mind-expanding” drugs such as marijuana or LSD
Practiced yoga, meditation, or self-hypnosis on a regular basis
Sought guidance or advice from a fortune teller, card reader, palmist, psychic, astrologer, etc.
Felt a profound or deeply moving sense of unity and oneness with all of nature, creation, or God
Had been “healed” of a serious physical problem by a psychic healer or faith healer
Had the ability yourself to “heal” some one else of a serious physical problem
Had a subsequent experience where you had come close to death, survived, and had an unusual experience at the time (sometimes called a “near-death experience”)

290. Please add any additional comments about any of the above experiences that you had after your NDE, including your age at the time and how often it occurred:
291. Has there been a change in the amount of unusual experiences you have had since your NDE?
increase in unusual experiences
decrease in unusual experiences
no change
292. Since your NDE, how much have you read or heard about NDEs, “New Age” thinking, parapsychology, psychical research, or religious miracles?
a lot
very little
none at all
293. Please describe any other after-effects of your NDE not mentioned above:
Communication to Others About Your NDE
294. Have you told other people about your NDE (besides us)?
yes, more than 4 people
yes, 1 to 3 people
295. Whom have you told about your NDE? (Check all that apply)
other family
medical personnel
newspaper or magazine reporters
appeared on TV or radio
other researchers
IANDS group
I have lectured or written about my NDE

296 a. Who was the first person you told about your NDE?
family member or friend
medical personnel
our staff
Other (please specify):
296 b. family member or friend (please specify):
296 c. medical personnel (please specify):
297. How much time elapsed between your NDE and the first time you told someone else about it?
less than 24 hours
less than 1 month
less than 1 year
longer (please specify):
298. What was the reaction of the first person you told about your NDE?
positive, supportive, or interested
negative, dismissing it as a hallucination, dream, or drug effect
neutral, ignored it
Other (please specify):
299. What has been the reaction of most people with whom you have talked about your NDE?
mostly positive
mostly negative
mixed positive and negative
Other (please specify):
300. Have you felt a need to talk about your NDE?
301. Have you been afraid to talk about your NDE?
302. How did you learn about our interest in NDEs?
newspaper, magazine, or popular book
TV or radio
professional book or journal
303. Please describe why you contacted us to share your NDE:
304. Please add any additional comments about your communications with others about your NDE:
305 a. Have you been exposed to scholarly sources of information about psychical, paranormal, or unusual phenomena, such as professional or scientific journals or books?
yes, but only before my NDE
yes, but only after my NDE
yes, both before and after my NDE
305 b. If so, please describe:
306 a. Have you been exposed to popular sources of information about psychical, paranormal, or unusual phenomena, such as television, popular magazines, religious tracts, or “New Age” literature?
yes, but only before my NDE
yes, but only after my NDE
yes, both before and after my NDE
306 b. If so, please describe:
Is there anything else you think we should know about your NDE or its effects on you, or anything you would like to ask us?
NDE Scale
Please choose one number (0, 1, or 2) for each question to indicate which answer comes closest to what you experienced during your NDE:
1. Did time seem to speed up or slow down?
0 = No
1 = Time seemed to go faster or slower than usual
2 = Everything seemed to be happening at once; or time stopped or lost all meaning
2. Were your thoughts speeded up?
0 = No
1 = Faster than usual
2 = Incredibly fast
3. Did scenes from your past come back to you?
0 = No
1 = I remembered many past events
2 = My past flashed before me, out of my control
4. Did you suddenly seem to understand everything?
0 = No
1 = Everything about myself or others
2 = Everything about the universe
5. Did you have a feeling of peace or pleasantness?
0 = No
1 = Relief or calmness
2 = Incredible peace or pleasantness
6. Did you have a feeling of joy?
0 = No
1 = Happiness
2 = Incredible joy
7. Did you feel a sense of harmony or unity with the universe?
0 = No
1 = I felt no longer in conflict with nature
2 = I felt united or one with the world
8. Did you see, or feel surrounded by, a brilliant light?
0 = No
1 = An unusually bright light
2 = A light clearly of mystical or other-worldly origin
9. Were your senses more vivid than usual?
0 = No
1 = More vivid than usual
2 = Incredibly more vivid
10. Did you seem to be aware of things going on elsewhere, as if by ESP?
0 = No
1 = Yes, but the facts have not been checked out
2 = Yes, and the facts have been checked out
11. Did scenes from the future come to you?
0 = No
1 = Scenes from my personal future
2 = Scenes from the world's future
12. Did you feel separated from your body?
0 = No
1 = I lost awareness of my body
2 = I clearly left my body and existed outside it
13. Did you seem to enter some other, unearthly world?
0 = No
1 = Some unfamiliar and strange place
2 = A clearly mystical or unearthly realm
14. Did you seem to encounter a mystical being or presence, or hear an unidentifiable voice?
0 = No
1 = I heard a voice I could not identify
2 = I encountered a definite being, or a voice clearly of mystical or unearthly origin
15. Did you see deceased or religious spirits?
0 = No
1 = I sensed their presence
2 = I actually saw them
16. Did you come to a border or point of no return?
0 = No
1 = I came to a definite conscious decision to "return" to life
2 = I came to a barrier that I was not permitted to cross; or "sent back" against my will.
Please choose the one phrase that most closely describes that part of your NDE:
First part of experience:
totally pleasant
mostly pleasant, partly unpleasant
neither pleasant nor unpleasant
mostly unpleasant, partly pleasant
totally unpleasant
no recollection
Middle part of experience:
totally pleasant
mostly pleasant, partly unpleasant
neither pleasant nor unpleasant
mostly unpleasant, partly pleasant
totally unpleasant
no recollection
Last part of experience:
totally pleasant
mostly pleasant, partly unpleasant
neither pleasant nor unpleasant
mostly unpleasant, partly pleasant
totally unpleasant
no recollection
Entire experience:
totally pleasant
mostly pleasant, partly unpleasant
neither pleasant nor unpleasant
mostly unpleasant, partly pleasant
totally unpleasant
no recollection
Regardless of whether you had a pleasant experience or a frightening one, please check if you sensed at any time during your experience any of the following things. You may check as many items in each section as apply to your experience:
being in a void or empty space
being in outer space, or in the heavens, or in the sky
being in hell or a place of torment
being just outside the entrance to hell or a place of torment (but never going in)
heading toward hell or a place of torment (but never reaching it)
observing others in hell or a place of torment
hearing wails, moans, gnashing of teeth, or sounds of torment

If you checked any of the above, do you think that place was Hell?
Did you experience:
a terrifying, horrible, or painful separation from your body, or from "normal consciousness"
a terrifying, horrible, or painful return to your body, or to "normal consciousness"
any other terrifying, horrible, or painful incident at any time

Please check as many of the following items that apply to your experience. You may check as many items in each category as apply to your experience. Do you recall, at any time during your experience:
being in a pit, cave, or tunnel
seeing (but not being in) a pit, cave, or tunnel
being in a landscape other than a hellish cave
seeing (but not being in) a landscape other than a hellish cave
being in darkness without any light
being in darkness with some light
being in a place with enough light to see
seeing a radiant light
seeing a fire or glow
seeing a point of light
seeing a "being" of light
being encompassed or engulfed by light, or becoming part of the light
rising or moving upward
falling or moving downward
feeling a magnetic pull or suction of some kind
being cold
being hot
being someplace wet, damp, or slimy, or being submerged in water
feeling dry or thirsty
being totally alone
being with a benevolent guide or voice(s)
being with grotesque or terrifying demons or other creatures
being with some other presence or being(s)
being laughed at or mocked by some other being(s)
feeling fear, dread, terror, or panic
feeling horror, disgust, or repulsion
feeling despair or hopelessness
feeling exhaustion or weariness
exploding, or being about to explode, into many pieces
spinning out of control
trying to scream or cry out, but being unable to make any sound
complete absence of any sensations (no light, sound, touch, etc.)
consciously feeling no control over what was happening, or going to happen, to you
being rescued from your situation

Did you feel that what you were experiencing:
would never end, or would repeat itself forever
was eternity or was forever

Did you try to escape from your situation by any of the following:
fighting, running, or climbing out
trying to get back in control of your situation yourself
arguing, or pleading your case
begging for mercy
praying for help

Were you told during your experience, or have a sense, that:
life was just a game or a joke
you had lost, or were about to lose, all sense of personal identity
you would be completely annihilated or cease to exist
nothing earthly ever existed or was real
you had imagined or hallucinated your entire earthly life

Did you feel the particular kind of experience you had was related to:
your actions or lifestyle up to that time
your religious faith up to that time
your overall set of beliefs and attitudes
a physiological accident
something else about you or your situation
some universal truth not specific to you

Please think back upon your near-death experience and answer the following questions in an honest and sincere way, by marking a number between 1 (totally disagree) and 5 (totally agree).
Totally disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Totally agree
1. This event has become a reference point for the way I understand new experiences.
2. I automatically see connections and similarities between this event and experiences in my present life.
3. I feel that this event has become part of my identity.
4. This event can be seen as a symbol or mark of important themes in my life.
5. This event is making my life different from the life of most other people.
6. This event has become a reference point for the way I understand myself and the world.
7. I believe that people who haven’t experienced this type of event think differently than I do.
8. This event tells a lot about who I am.
9. I often see connections and similarities between this event and my current relationships with other people.
10. I feel that this event has become a central part of my life story.
Totally disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Totally agree
11. I believe that people who haven’t experienced this type of event have a different way of looking upon themselves than I have.
12. This event has colored the way I think and feel about other experiences.
13. This event has become a reference point for the way I look upon my future.
14. If I were to weave a carpet of my life, this event would be in the middle with threads going out to many other experiences.
15. My life story can be divided into two main chapters: one is before and one is after this event happened.
16. This event permanently changed my life.
17. I often think about the effects this event will have on my future.
18. This event was a turning point in my life.
19. If this event had not happened to me, I would be a different person today.
20. When I reflect upon my future, I often think back to this event.
Please think back upon your near-death experience and answer the following questions in an honest and sincere way, by marking a number between 1 and 7.
1 - dim 2 3 4 5 6 7 - sharp and clear
1. My memory for this event is
1 - black and white 2 3 4 5 6 7 - entirely color
2. My memory for this event is
1 - little or no visual detail 2 3 4 5 6 7 -a lot of visual detail
My memory for this event involves
1 - little or no sound 2 3 4 5 6 7 - a lot of sound
My memory for this event involves
1 - little or no smell 2 3 4 5 6 7 - a lot of smell
My memory for this event involves
1 - little or no touch 2 3 4 5 6 7 - a lot of touch
My memory for this event involves
1 - little or no taste 2 3 4 5 6 7 - a lot of taste
My memory for this event involves
1 - vague 2 3 4 5 6 7 - very vivid
The overall vividness of my memory for this event is
1 - sketchy 2 3 4 5 6 7 -very detailed
My memory for this event is
1 - confusing 2 3 4 5 6 7 - comprehensible
The order of events in my memory of this occasion is
1 - simple 2 3 4 5 6 7 - complex
The story line in my memory of this event is
1 - bizarre 2 3 4 5 6 7 - realistic
The story line in my memory of this event is
1 - vague 2 3 4 5 6 7 - very vivid
My memory for the location where this event takes place is
1 - unfamiliar 2 3 4 5 6 7 - familiar
The general setting of this event in my memory is
1 - vague 2 3 4 5 6 7 - clear and distinct
The relative spatial arrangement of objects in my memory for this event is
1 - vague 2 3 4 5 6 7 - clear and distinct
relative spatial arrangement of people in my memory for this event is
1 - vague 2 3 4 5 6 7 - clear and distinct
My memory for the time when this event takes place is
1 - vague 2 3 4 5 6 7 - clear and distinct
My memory for the year when this event takes place is
1 - vague 2 3 4 5 6 7 - clear and distinct
My memory for the season when this event takes place is
1 - vague 2 3 4 5 6 7 - clear and distinct
My memory for the day when this event takes place is
1 - vague 2 3 4 5 6 7 - clear and distinct
My memory for the hour when this event takes place is
1 - short 2 3 4 5 6 7 - long
In my memory this event seems
1 - negative 2 3 4 5 6 7 - positive
The overall tone of the memory of this event is
1 - spectator 2 3 4 5 6 7 - participant
In this event I was a
1 - not at all 2 3 4 5 6 7 - definitely
At the time, this event seemed like it would have serious implications
1 - not at all 2 3 4 5 6 7 - definitely
Looking back, this event did have serious implications
1 - not at all 2 3 4 5 6 7 - definitely
I remember how I felt at the time when this event took place
1 - negative 2 3 4 5 6 7 - positive
My feelings at the time were
1 - not intense 2 3 4 5 6 7 - very intense
My feelings at the time were
1 - not intense 2 3 4 5 6 7 - very intense
As I am remembering now, my feelings are
1 - not at all 2 3 4 5 6 7 - clearly
I remember what I thought at the time
1 - not much about me 2 3 4 5 6 7 - a lot about me
This memory reveals or says
1 - hardly at all 2 3 4 5 6 7 - very well
Overall, I remember this event
1 - not at all 2 3 4 5 6 7 - clearly
I remember events relating to this memory that took place in advance of the event
1 - not at all 2 3 4 5 6 7 - clearly
I remember events relating to this memory that took place after the event
1 - a great deal 2 3 4 5 6 7 - none whatsoever
How much doubt do you have about the accuracy of your memory for this event?
1 - not at all 2 3 4 5 6 7 - many times
Since it happened, I have thought about this event
1 - not at all 2 3 4 5 6 7 - many times
Since it happened, I have talked about this event
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