Thank you for your feedback. We sincerely appreciate your honest opinion and will take your input into consideration while providing products and services in the future.
If you have any comments or concerns about this survey please Contact: -
Company Name
Address 1
Address 2
City, State, ZipCode
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How often do you use [PRODUCT]?
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Overall, how satisfied are you with [PRODUCT]?
| |
Compared to other [PRODUCT CATEGORY] that are available, would you say that [PRODUCT] is...
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If you contacted [COMPANY] customer service, were all problems resolved to your complete satisfaction?
| |
In evaluating your most recent customer service experience, was the quality of service you received: |
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| Please describe if there was any particular aspect of the service experience that stood out: | | |
The process of getting your problem resolved was: |
| |
The customer service representative handled my call quickly. |
| |
The customer service representative was very knowledgeable. |
| |
[COMPANY] understands the service needs of my department. |
| |
Training Services Evaluation
How satisfied are you:
| What should [COMPANY] do to improve the quality of its training services? | | |
[COMPANY] understands the training needs of my department |
| |
Was the difficulty of the course in line with your expectations? |
| |
| In what ways could this course be improved? | | |
How satisfied are you:
| Please tell us what (Company) should do to improve the quality of its training services? | | |