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In the event that you do treat patients with RBCGF, how likely would you be to recommend XXX? Please respond by indicating 1 through 10 where 1 is unlikely and 10 is very likely.
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Please indicate your position
Billing manager
Office manager
Nurse manager
Business manager
Financial manager
Other (specify):

What is your understanding of the changes in Medicare Part B reimbursement that are planned for 2005 in regard to reimbursement of injectable/IV chemotherapy that is administered in the physician's office? Check all that apply
Medicare will use Average Sales Price (ASP) as a basis for reimbursement
Medicare will use Average Wholesale Price (AWP) as a basis for reimbursement
reimbursement for drug charges for most generic products will decrease
reimbursement for drug charges for most generic products will increase
reimbursement for most branded products will decrease
reimbursement for most branded products will increase
reimbursement for drug charges for most branded products will increase
reimbursement for administration/infusion will decrease
reimbursement for administration/infusion will increase


In light of the changes in Medicare Part B reimbursement that went into effect on January 1, 2005, regarding reimbursement for injectable/IV chemotherapies administered in the office, have you or someone else in your practice undertaken any analysis to date to estimate the financial impact on your practice?

Overall, what impact do you expect the 2005 Medicare Part B reimbursement changes for injectable/IV chemotherapy to have on revenues to your practice? (Check one)
a negative impact - by what percentage do you expect your revenue to decrease? ______% no meaningful impact/neutral a positive impact - by what percentage do you expect your revenue to increase?______%
Step 1 of 2
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Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this survey.
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