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Mission Assessment Profile
Please check the single answer that best describes your church.
Biblical Foundation
Our church is open to teaching on the Biblical basis of missions.
Our church sometimes has special meetings which communicate the Biblical basis of missions.
Our church has an annual emphasis which communicates the Biblical basis of missions.
Our church frequently communicates the Biblical basis for missions.
Our church regularly communicates that God's glory proclaimed to all nations is a central purpose of the church.
Our church actively seeks to help each individual study and understand God's heart for the nations from Scripture.
Local Community
Our church is considering getting involved in or supporting outreach beyond our local church ministries.
Our church has participated in local evangelism and/or compassion ministries in our community.
Our church people participate in several local outreach-oriented ministries.
Our church consistently and deliberately trains and deploys individuals in outreach ministries in our community and beyond.
Our church consistently equips and deploys individuals in local cross-cultural outreach ministries.
Our church proactively seeks the training and placement of all members in local ministries of all kinds.
Congregational Education
Our congregation is interested in learning more about missions.
Our congregation has some awareness of missions through the projects we do.
Missions is taught from the pulpit, in the classroom, or in small groups on special occasions.
Missions is taught occasionally through multiple venues to all age groups.
Missions is taught regularly through multiple venues to all age groups.
Our church's involvement in missions can be noticed every week in multiple ways, especially through our leaders.
Church Leaders
Our church leaders would like to see our church support a missionary or do some missions activities.
Our church leaders occasionally promote crosscultural missions ministries.
Our church leaders ensure our ongoing missions program has people to lead and promote it.
The pastor and church leaders give visibility to missions through platform time, missions illustrations, and public prayer for missions ministries.
The leaders of every church ministry are personally involved and have specific goals contributing toward fulfilling the Great Commission.
Fulfilling the Great Commission guides planning, hiring, budgeting, and celebrating for the leadership of every church ministry.
Missions Team
Our church has people interested in starting a missions team.
Our church occasionally appoints an individual or team to lead missions projects.
Our church has a designated missions leadership team (or committee, board, etc.).
Our church missions team seeks to sharpen our missions effectiveness and involve a higher percentage of our congregation in missions each year.
The church missions leadership team resources and encourages all the ministries of the church to incorporate a world missions dimension into their ministries.
The church missions leadership team assists church and ministry leaders to help every individual find and develop a productive role in the Great Commission.
Individual Participation
A few people in our church are interested in getting involved with missions.
Individuals from our church get involved in a missions trip or project occasionally.
Our church enlists individuals to assist in some missions emphasis or event at least annually.
Multiple opportunities for personal involvement in supporting and doing missions are regularly communicated to the congregation.
The entire congregation is frequently urged to get personally involved in missions as a normal part of their Christian life and responsibility.
The majority of our congregation, if asked, can identify and give evidence of their personal role in missions.
A few in our church are interested in praying about the special needs of cross-cultural ministries.
Our church leaders occasionally share a special missions prayer need.
Our church has a means for keeping missions and missionary prayer needs before the entire congregation.
Prayer requests for missions are presented to our people and mentioned from the pulpit on a weekly basis.
Prayer for missions – specific missionaries and people groups - is a normal, weekly part of the spiritual life of our congregation.
Every ministry of the church prays for specific missions efforts and every individual is expected to pray for God's missionary work in the world.
Our church may give a onetime gift to someone who makes an appeal for missions.
Our church raises money for specific crosscultural evangelism and/or outreach projects each year.
At least 10% of the church's total giving supports outreach outside of our church.
Our church has annual goals for missions giving and gives at least 15% of total church income to missions ministries.
Our church gives at least 25% of all non-building fund giving to missions.
Our church is committed to giving 33% or more of all general income to missions as well as at least 10% of building or other capital fund giving.
Short Term Missions
Some people may be interested in going on a short-term missions trip.
People from our church occasionally go on mission trips, usually not organized by our own church.
Our church does effective prefield training for church-planned short –term missions trips.
Our church uses short-term missions to disciple participants and to strategically assist field ministries that we support.
Our church wants to see annual growth in the percentage of members over age 15 who have personally experienced a cross-cultural short-term mission trip.
Our church encourages and expects everyone from youth through adults to have at least one cross-cultural ministry experience.
Missionary Care
Our church would be interested in providing care support for a missionary.
Our church helps missionaries on a special case-by-case basis.
Our church proactively seeks to discover and meet certain missionary needs.
Our church builds strong supportive relationships with the missionaries with whom we are especially connected.
Our church actively seeks ways to shepherd and resource each of our missionaries beyond routine financial needs.
Our church treats our missionaries with as much interest, assistance, and care as our local staff.
Mission Strategy
Our church gets involved when and where opportunities may come along.
Our church looks for a specific missions project or goal to adopt and complete each year.
Our church has regular annual goals and plans for missions involvement and growth.
Our church has clear priorities and ambitious goals and plans for missions ministries.
Our church is committed to specific field-based results and mobilization of resources to achieve them.
Our entire congregation is fully committed and engaged in pursuing specific, strategic, longterm results on the field.
Missionary Training
Our church leaves missionary training up to external organizations.
Our church tries to encourage anyone who pursues missions as a vocation.
Our church publicly recognizes and encourages those who feel called to missions and prays for GodÂ’s direction in their lives.
Our church recognizes and takes an active role in assisting and guiding those who are interested in career missions ministry.
Our church encourages members to consider missions and maintains a regular program to track and assist the training of missionaries from our congregation.
Our church actively challenges members to consider a missions career and requires church-based training for our own missionary candidates.
For our church, missions is...
a possibility. We hope to get involved in missions.
a project. We are involved with a few missions projects.
a program. Missions has a visible place in our planning.
a priority. Missions is important in our church.
a purpose. Missions is seen as a primary responsibility.
a passion. Missions is integrated in the life of the whole church.
Church Name:
Name or title of person completing this survey:
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