Tell us how well the following statements apply to your immediate boss/superior.
Overall, how satisfied are you with the company you work for? |
| |
Please rate your satisfaction with employee benefits and policies of your organization.
| What does your boss/supervisor do to keep your moral high? | | |
| What suggestions do you have for your boss/supervisor that would help him/her be a more effective manager? | | |
If you have ever offered suggestions to management, how satisfied were you with the response? |
| |
| What suggestions would you make to improve company/employee relations? | | |
How long have you been working for the company? |
| |
Overall, how satisfied are you with communications in your company? |
| |
How well do you feel you know the company? |
| |
From which of the following sources do you now receive most of your information about what is going on in the company? Rank your top three information sources only. |
| |
The grapevine |
| | Bulletin board |
| | My supervisor |
| | Company leadership |
| | Group meetings at our work location |
| | Local company publications |
| | Company intranet |
| | Company e-mail |
| | Voice-mail announcements |
| |
My immediate supervisor follows through on commitments. |
| |
I recieve credit from my immediate supervisor for a job well done.
| |
I feel my job perfomance is fairly evaluated.
| |
My immediate supervisor tries to understand my point of view when he or she discusses problems or projects with me. |
| |
My department encourages teamwork. |
| |
Work assignments are distributed fairly.
| |
Sufficient effort is made to get the opinions and ideas of the employees.
| |
My department knows enough about other related departments within the company.
| |
Overall, how satisfied are you with the spirit of teamwork within [Company].
| |
Companies policies and procedures make sense to me. |
| |
The physical working conditions (e.g., heating, ventilation, space, cleanliness) are very good.
| |
Individual differences are respected here(e.g.,gender,race educational background, etc.)
| |
Employees feel secure about their jobs at this company. |
| |
I believe I will be working for [Company]in five years.
| |
I would recommend [Company] as a career to my friends.
| |
There are more positive than negative aspects to my job. |
| |
| What are some of the most positive aspects of your job? | | |
| What are some negative aspects about your job? | | |
| What aspects of the job bother you enough to make you consider quitting? | | |
| What is/are the most stressful aspect(s) of your job? | | |
How long have you had this particular job stress? |
| |
How would you rate the level of your job stress? |
| |
How many attempts have you made to relieve your job stress or solve the problem causing it? |
| |
Is your job stress caused by your relationship with another person you work with? |
| |
If your job stress doesn't involve another person, is it caused by the: |
| |
| What are the positive aspects of your job? | | |
Productive time spent working on the tasks assigned to me. |
| |
Going beyond what is expected of me to make customers happy
| |
I respond quickly and courteously to fulfill customers' needs
| |
The overall quality of service that I provide is:
| |
| What would help you to be more productive and provide higher quality service? | | |