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You are invited to participate in this survey [Pre Sales Team].It will take approximately [3 min] minutes to complete the questionnaire. Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. Your survey responses will be stricly confidential and data will be reported only to me.

Thanks Nipun
The questionnaire is only for internal use. (Total 10 Questions)
You feel there is a need to improve the sales process at Wipro?
Yes No

You feel there is a major lack of communication between the BDMs and the Pre Sales team?This would include BDM updating Pre Sales with status and Customer Information.
Yes No

You feel “Sales Logic” data is consistent and up to date?Are you planning to use it in the future?
Data Consistent, not planning to use Data Inconsistent, not planning to use Consistent,Planning to Use Inconsitent,Planning to Use
Do you update/query “Sales Logic” periodically as an when need may arise or do you look for other more reliable sources?
No I rely upon other sources


Do you feel a lot of time gets wasted coordinating/reaching out to the horizontals for information?
Yes No Affordable Not warranted

Would you prefer boilerplate/template proposals from the Horizontals? Accessible to you at a location?
Yes No Will Not Help

Would you also prefer all Case Studies/Customer Contact database maintained with every horizontal and shared with you?
Yes No I get all information from Knet

Do you feel poor coordination, insufficient tracking, Unavailability or late availability of information has led Wipro loose out on many deals? (Because of Delay in responding )
Yes No Can't Say
Please contact if you have any questions regarding this survey.
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