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How long have you used [PRODUCT]?
Less than 1 month
1 to 6 months
6 months to 1 year
1 to 2 years
2 years or more
Never used
How often do you use [PRODUCT]?

Once a week or more often
2 to 3 times a month
Once a month
Every 2-3 months
2-3 times a year
Once a year or less often
Do not use
Overall, how satisfied are you with [PRODUCT]?
Very Unsatisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Very Satisfied
Extremely Satisfied
Compared to other [PRODUCT CATEGORY] that are available, would you say that [PRODUCT] is:
Much better
Somewhat better
About the same
Somewhat worse
Much worse
Don't know or never used
Will you use/purchase [PRODUCT] again?
Definitely will
Probably will
Might or might not
Probably will not
Definitely will not
Never used
How likely are you to recommend [PRODUCT] to others?
Definitely will recommend
Probably will recommend
Not sure
Probably will not recommend
Definitely will not recommend
Never Used
Based on your experience with [PRODUCT], how likely are you to again buy a [Company Product]?

Very Unlikely
Somewhat Unlikely
Very Likely
Extremely Likely
Thank you for your feedback.
Please contact if you have any questions regarding this survey.
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