Please tell us about yourself |
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Do any of these descriptive words apply to you? (check all that apply) |
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Do any of these descriptions describe your connection to the Farm Bureau Foundation? (check all that apply) |
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| Please tell us a little bit about what you do professionally. | | |
Complete this phrase with an emotion icon, "computers and websites make me feel..." |
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What are you looking for? |
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How often do you visit the Farm Bureau Foundation website? |
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What kinds of content are you likely to seek on the Farm Bureau Foundation website? (check all that apply) |
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Please rate the following types of information on the Farm Bureau Foundation website. (more stars = higher interest)
News about events and activities |
News about projects |
Updates about grant and award opportunities |
News about grant recipients |
Updates about educational materials |
Updates about additions to the book database |
Recommended resources, articles and videos |
Updates from the wider Agricultural education community |
| Thinking back to the last time you visited the Farm Bureau Foundation website. Do you recall what you were looking for? | | |
| Do you have any suggestions for content that you might want to find on the Farm Bureau Foundation website? | | |
Where do you get information? |
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How do you discover new information on the Internet?
| Can you please name three websites that you use on a daily basis? (eg: dogtown.com, yoohoo.org, coldmail.net) | | |
How do you get information? |
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Please rate these devices based on how often you use them to access the web. (more stars = used more often)
Desktop computer |
Laptop computer |
Tablet |
Smartphone |
Thinking about how you use websites, please rate the following features.
How often do you read Farm Bureau Foundation news or announcements on Facebook? |
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Do you “follow” the Farm Bureau Foundation on Twitter? |
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How often do you read Farm Bureau Foundation news or announcements on Twitter? |
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Do you “follow” the Farm Bureau Foundation on Pinterest? |
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How often do you see Farm Bureau Foundation content on Pinterest? |
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| Aside from Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, are there any other social media sites that you use on a regular basis? | | |
| What do you like, or dislike about websites in general? | | |
| Do you have any suggestions for improvement of the Farm Bureau Foundation website? | | |
| Are there any specific changes or features that you would suggest for the Farm Bureau Foundation website? | | |