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Viterra Sales

Viterra Foundation Sales Training Questionnaire
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Please complete this questionnaire to assist your sales leader identify development opportunities for you and your team.

The questionnaire is designed to assess knowledge of a Consultative Sales approach to selling Viterra products and services.

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the questionnaire now by clicking on the Continue button below.
What is your role?
How long have you been in your role?
How long have you been in a sales role in Viterra?
Less than 1 year
1 to 5 years
5 to 10 years
More than 10 years
I am not really in a sales role
Now please complete these questions about Viterra and your approach to sales.
What is the purpose of a sales person? Check the answer you feel most accurately reflects your thoughts.
Complete the sales process
Close the sale
Help customers buy solutions that will improve their business
Maintain relationships
Reach sales targets
What is Viterra's vision?
Earning the right to be your partner of choice
Your partner of choice
To be number one in Agribusiness
Australia's Agribusiness partner
Powering Agriculture
When learning, or having any training for your job, what interests you?
To learn more skills to get on with people and develop relationships.
To learn more techniques to help me achieve my targets.
To gain more knowledge about the product and its applications.
When going to a meeting with an existing client, what should your objectives be?
To re-establish the relationship and check they are happy with your service.
To convince them of any new application/products.
To maintain your regular calling pattern and to continue any existing business.
To understand further any problems they might have.
When going to a meeting with a new client, what objectives should you have?
To sell a product or service.
To establish a relationship and sell a product or service.
To establish a relationship and understand what problems they might have.
To establish a relationship and provide information about a product or service.
It depends on where the client is in their buying process.
When you are dealing with an account, why should they buy from you?
You cover everything logically and thoroughly.
The product solves the problems the customer has and delivers the results they want.
You get on well with them and respond to their concerns.
You have the best price.
When the customer raises any problems/objections you deal with them by:-
Re-explaining how the product will produce their needs and how good it is.
Using a technique to handle the objection and ask for the order.
Acknowledge their concern and avoid arguing. (Hope they change their mind).
Ask questions to find what issues lie behind their objection and develop solutions for those issues.
When presenting to customers you:-
Stress product features and demonstrate them whenever possible.
Respond to the customer and their interests – showing how the product and our service solves their problems, ensuring it is interactive.
Follow a similar, structured, process with each customer.
When the presentation has been done and it’s time to commit for the order, how do you gain commitment/close?
Leave the customer to say OK when they are ready.
Ask for commitment to buy – it is the right thing at the end of the sales process.
Explain and give any extra details about the product – expect them to say “yes”.
Why is it important to pre-qualify prospects (select all that apply)
So as to not waste time with people who are unlikely to buy
To match our ability to solve particular problems with people who have that problem
To reduce the percentage of prospects who discontinue their buying process with us before committing to buy
For planning purposes

Please complete these questions about general questioning techniques.
Which of these are open questions?(select all that apply)
What are your plans for planting this season?
Did you get good results from the sales?
When will you make a decision?
Would you prefer delivery on Friday or the following Monday?
Was it one tonne you were after?
Why do you think that happened?
How many acres will you plant this season?

When people communicate with us they communicate with us by the words they use, the tone and pace of their voice and their body language. Rank these from highest (1) to lowest importance (3).
Tone and pace of voice
Body language
Words used
Which of these questions/statements should be used to encourage further discussion?(select all that apply)
Tell me more...
What assumptions do you think you have made to come to that conclusion?
Do you think that is true?
Have you thought about doing....?
So what does that mean for you?
Isn't it more likely to be due to....?

Please complete these questions which will test your knowledge of consultative selling questioning techniques. Do not be concerned if you do not know the answers, pick the answer or answers which you think are correct.
What does a situational question try to uncover?
Problems the the prospect has.
The prospect's needs.
Background information.

Which of these questions are used to determine the situation of a client?
How many acres do you plant normally?
How happy are you with your existing supplier?
When did you first notice the decline in yields?
Are you concerned the decrease in yields will impact the farm's viability?
When do you think you will be shearing this year?
How much is availability of shearers causing you a concern?

Which of these are risky situational questions?
So what is the detail of what I am hearing about your financial problems?
Will you be planting chick peas this year?
I understand you are putting a lot more into crops this year and reducing the level of livestock substantially, can you tell me more?
I see you have started a home-stay business, can you tell me more about that?
Look, before we seal the deal, can you tell me about the size of the clip you expect this year?

What does a problem question try to uncover?
Dissatisfaction with an existing supplier, service or circumstance
Problems on the farm
Farm statistics e.g. people employed, number and type of livestock
Difficulties on the farm
Farm sales history

What is the key reason to ask problem questions?
People only buy if the have needs, which problem questions uncover.
To be sociable and build rapport.
To make it feel like we care about their business.
To understand the consequences of the problems farmers face.
Which of these are problem questions?
How often do you rotate your crops?
What machinery and equipment do you have on the farm?
How satisfied are you with your current payment processes?
What are the three biggest issues facing your farm now?

What is an implication question?
A question that implies the solution required to solve a framer's problem.
A question which asks about the consequences of the problem(s) a farmer has.
A question which asks about the cause of a problem a farmer has.
A question which asks about the benefits in solving a problem a framer has.
Which of these are implication questions?
Are you experiencing difficulties getting shearers when you need them?
Has the low yields you have experienced over the last two years led to any top line sales issues for the farm as a whole?
How have you been handling the low yield?
Are you getting good advice from an agronomist?
What do you think might be the result if you did get good, timely advice from an agronomist?

Why do we need to ask implication questions?
We are able to link a problem t other potential problems.
We may be able to extend or expand the effects of a problem making it more urgent than it originally seemed to the prospect.
To expand the buyer's perception of value.
To transform implied needs into explicit needs.

Which of these are implication questions?
What effect does that have on...?
Does that ever lead to...?
When does that occur?
What issues do you have with?
Tell me more about your issues with...?

What do need-payoff questions do?
A need-payoff question explores the problems a farmer has.
A need-payoff question focuses on the solution and the value it creates for the farmer.
A need-payoff question moves the discussion forward to action and commitment.
Need-payoff questions explore the consequences of leaving a problem unresolved.

Which of these is a need-payoff question?
How much would you earn annually on average, if we could increase your yield by 10% in fair to good years?
Would it help if I show you how you could earn more money by using the auction system in the current market?
What issues is being pad late creating for you?
If we could pay you two weeks earlier than your current supplier what would that mean to you?

What do you need to know before offering a solution?
Implied need
Explicit need
Please complete these questions regarding perceptions of customer value and what influences them.
What best defines good value to a customer?
When perceived benefits outweigh perceived costs.
When an equivalent product/service is sold for a lower price than a competitor.
When a product/service is sold at a discount.
When dealing with customers there perception of service is determined by these four factors. Rank in order from highest (1) to lowest importance (4).
Civility (courteousness)
Mood of the customer
Concern for the customer
Congeniality (dress standards, language used)
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