Questions marked with a * are required Exit Survey
* Name (first, last) or (favorite color, favorite fruit) - this will be used to compare pre and post
What water literacy programing (if any) do you currently conduct? Please include general topics, length, and audience.
How would you rate your understanding of current water topics and challenges that face SD?

Not good Okay Neutral Good Very good
In your opinion how important is teaching water literacy and related topics to youth?

Unimportant Not very important Neutral Important Very Important
What engineering programing (if any) do you currently conduct? Please include general topics, length, and audience.
In what ways do you currently incorporate inquiry into your programs?
In what ways do you currently incorporate project based learning into your programing?
Rate your comfort level with:

Very uncomfortable Not comfortable Neutral Comfortable Very comfortable
relating your current water literacy programs to current research and work being done by SDSU and SDSU Extension?
engineering based programs
using inquiry in your programs
using project based learning
Have you ever encouraged a science or engineering notebook/journal in your program? If so what type of program (topic, length, audience)?
What STEM programs do you offer?
What are the STEM projects that have the greatest enrollment in your county?
In what ways do you currently evaluate and assess your programs?
Define inquiry:
Define project based learning:
How would you define climate?
How would you define weather?
Define watershed:
What are main causes of habitat loss?
How are dirt and soil different?
What is the difference between pneumatics and hydraulics?
Identify two types of circuits.
What can be used as a conductor?