How did you first discover WHITE HORSE WHISKY? |
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What is the reason you purchased WHITE HORSE WHISKY? |
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Primarily, for whom was this product purchased?
What is your annual household income? |
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How interested would you be in buying WHITE HORSE WHISKY if priced within your budget?
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| What is it that you like most about WHITE HORSE WHISKY? | | |
| What do you like least about the WHITE HORSE WHISKY? | | |
Please tell us how WHITE HORSE WHISKY would rate on the following attributes.
Overall, what is your reaction to the described product? |
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What other brands of WISKY have you used? (Check all that apply).
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Overall, what would be your most important factors in choosing a WHITE HORSE WHISKY? Please check three.
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Other than the product itself, which of the following would most influence you when deciding to buy whisky?
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Would you recommend WHITE HORSE WHISKY to a friend? |
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Indicate your marital status. |
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Including yourself, how many persons are in your household? |
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What is your current work status? |
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What is the present occupation of the head of household? |
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| Please write in your ZIP Code. | | |
Thank you for your participation. |
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