Willi's 80. Geburtstagsparty
Willi's 80. Geburtstagsparty
Willis 80. Geburtstagsparty
Exit Survey
Dear friends,
I had sent this invitation already last fall but during my trip and through personal encounters I have found that many of you have not received the email. I have no idea what caused this problem as I used the same list as 10 years before though with a different survey format. Well, those who have received and answered will not received this second mailing but some of you may get it a second time, namely those who have not yet answered in any way. Here goes the original invitation:
As in the past, I have been celebrating my ROUND birthdays with some special festivities, in 1986, 1996 and 2006. For 2016, it will be another such occasion and though I would have loved to do it again on the newly refurbished ITALIE of 1996 which many of you will still fondly remember, however its relaunch will only happen later in 2016. So we will again be happy with the sister ship VEVEY of 2006 and this on
Saturday, July 23, 2016.
Departure is 7 PM from Vevey. Return is planned for midnight in Villeneuve (or later, depending on the state of the participants, the weather, etc). Ample parking available in Villeneuve.
There will be some changes in venue from the last time 2006, but these will be communicated to those planning to attend in due course. The purpose of this memo in merely to inquire if you plan to attend, alone or with your spouse or partner, if you would prefer to have a meat, fish or vegetarian based meal on the VEVEY and if you would require hotel accommodation for one or several nights in July 2016.
Kindly complete the survey before the end of March 2016. Even those unable to participate are asked to kindly return it, they just have to say "sorry - no" in question 1 and then directly proceed to the end of the survey where they state their name so we know who cannot join. Those planning to attend and having responded with menu and accommodation requirements if needed by the aforementioned date will receive a formal invitation with full instructions how to get here by the end of May 2016 a the latest.
Uschi and I hope to see you all next year in July on the paddle steamer VEVEY on Lake Geneva for another enjoyable evening ! With our most cordial regards.
Willi Bosshard
PS: my son is helping me with the administration which is why you are receiving this from his email account - you may of course continue to correspond with me on my usual email address
[email protected]
Please start with the survey now by clicking here Start Survey
You may also contact
[email protected]
with any questions.
Thank You
Werden Sie teilnehmen?
Ja, alleine
Ja, mit Partner
Ja, mit anderen Personen
Andere - bitte präzisieren
Was zieht
/e PartnerIn
kulinarisch vor?
Andere Kost - bitte präzisieren
Was ziehen
die anderen Personen
kulinarisch vor?
Andere Kost - bitte präzisieren
Was ziehst Du kulinarisch vor?
Andere Kost - bitte präzisieren
Brauchst Du eine Unterkunft?
Was für eine Unterkunft ziehst Du vor?
Die Richtpreise beziehen sich auf Belegung zu zweit, inklusive Frühstück und Steuern - Ich werde versuchen fixe Reservationen zu den Vorzugskonditionen zu sicher, insofern ich Deine Angaben bis 31.10.2015 erhalte.
Hotel Beau Rivage, La Tour-de-Peilz *** - ca. CHF 200 pro Zimmer und Nacht
Hotel Victoria, Glion **** - ca. CHF 300 pro Zimmer und Nacht
Hotel Montreux-Palace, Montreux ***** - ca. CHF 650 (ohne See-Sicht- 850 (See-Sicht) pro Zimmer und Nacht
Für welche Nächte? Bitte alle zutreffende auswählen - Zur Erinnerung, die Party findet am Samstag statt...
Donnerstag auf Freitag
Freitag auf Samstag
Samstag auf Sonntag
Andere Tage
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