I. FACULTY. Please rate the instructor's contribution to your learning experience in this course.
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II. CURRICULUM. Please rate the effectiveness of the curriculum components and class activities that contributed to your learning in this course.
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III. OVERALL EDUCATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS. Please rate the overall effectiveness of this course in meeting your educational needs.
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IV. TIME ALLOCATION. Please rate the following statements.
Approximately how many hours per week did you typically spend in each of the following activities? |
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V. UNIVERSITY SERVICES. Please rate the overall quality of the University's administrative and student support services.
VI. FACILITIES. Please rate the overall quality of the University's classroom facilities.
Comment Section. Use the spaces below to comment about any aspects of the COURSE, the INSTRUCTOR, or the University's SERVICES. Please be specific identifying the issue you wish to address. The thoughtful and sparing use of words will help each comment reach its intended audience quickly and effectively. |
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