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1. This is a choose one question. An “Other” may be added by adding a series of underscores to a choice. The number of underscores determines the size of the box input box. You can format the answer options (Bold, Italic etc.)
Choice 1
Choice 2
Choice 3
This is another Heading
* 2. You may also design a choose one question using plain text. You can mark the question mandatory (required) by inserting the tag – You can also randomize the option by inserting the tag
Choice 2
Choice 3
Choice 1
3. This is a choose many question. An “Other” may be added by adding a series of underscores to a choice.
Choice 1 {Q4}
Choice 2 {TERMINATE}
Choice 3 {THANK_YOU}

4. You may also design a choose many question with the “Other Option”
Choice 1
Choice 2
Choice 3

5. To get a “Drop Down” or menu (List of states or other longer lists for example) put in this tag at the end of the question :
6. To create “Drop Downs” with MULTPLE SELECT, use the [ ] – Bar braces to identify the options – make sure to put in the tag somewhere in the question text.

7. This is a comment question. The number of underscores

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