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Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your responses will help us better serve you. The survey will take about 5 minutes to complete.
* 1.Do you currently work at a winery or have worked at a winery in the last year?
* 2.How many years of experience do you have working at wineries?
Less than 1 year
1-5 years
6-10 years
11 + years
* 3.Which best describes your role at your winery?
Executive/ ownership
Winemaking / laboratory
None of the above
In 2013, what was the approximate volume of wine produced by your winery?
Answer in your preferred units
2013 Wine Volume
* 5. In 2015, do you think the liters of wine produced by your winery will be:
Significantly higher than 2014
Somewhat higher than 2014
Same as 2014
Somewhat lower than 2014
Significantly Lower than 2014
1. Of the wines that you sold in 2013, what was the approximate average retail price range for bottle/750ml of your wineries’ vintages?
Approximate average retail price (Australian $) Approximate wholesale/FOB export price
Average price of least expensive vintage
Average price of most expensive vintage
For the wine that you sold in 2013, what percentage was: (must sum to 100%)

% of 2013 Wine Sold
* Bottled
* Sold in Bulk
* Other
Of the wine that you bottled in 2013, what percentage use the following closures: (must sum to 100%)

% of 2013 Bottled Wine
Natural cork
Screw cap
Synthetic cork
9. Please think about how you select a closure type for your wine. For the most common closure that you use, what is the most important factor in leading you to select that closure type over another?
Availability of application equipment
Security of closure
Marketing appeal of closure
Quality of closure
Cost of closure
Don’t know
10. In 2013, did you/your winery purchase any of the product below for making wine? (select all that apply)
Finning agents
Filtration media

11. What method to you most often use to purchase the following products?
Laboratory chemicals
Yeast and other winemaking ingredients
Wine bottle closures
Filtration media
On a scale of 1 to 100, with 100 being most important, please rate the following qualities on how important they are to you when selecting a supplier for your wine making products:
Not importantVery important
Product knowledge
Offers wide range of products
Product quality
Ability to provide solutions to winemaking challenges
Understands your needs
Sales representative knowledge and courtesy
Can order online
Documentation and certification of products
Shipping charges/cost of delivery
13. What company is your primary source for wine making supplies and equipment? (optional)
Thinking of that supplier, please indicate on a scale from 1-100, your satisfaction with their performance on the following:
Not satisfiedExtremely satisfied
Range of products offered
Understands your needs
Ability to provide you with solutions to winemaking challenges
Product knowledge
Overall experience
Product quality
15. Would you recommend your preferred supplier to other wineries?
Not sure
16. In what area would you most like your preferred supplier to improve? 
Have sales reps with better product knowledge
Get me the products faster
Sell me wine making products at lower price
Help me produce wine at a lower cost
Partner with me to improve the quality of my wine
Provide me with better customer service
Help me increase the retail price of my wine
19. Please rate the following on how important they are to the performance of your winery:
Not importantVery important
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 N/A
Wholesale and distribution partners (access and strength)
Global wine consumption volume
Cellar door sales
Government support
Strength/weakness of AU dollar
Domestic wine consumption volume
What % of your wine in 2013 did you:

% of 2013 Wine Sales
Sell direct to customer
Sell through wholesaler/retailer
20. What is the zip code of your winemaking facility?
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