One Desktop deployment - Feedback
Now that your PC and/or laptop has been deployed to the new desktop environment, we would appreciate if you could please answer a short 10-15 minute survey on your experience. Your feedback will be extremely valuable in improving the user experience for future deployments in our Department. The survey focuses on the deployment process (pre and post deployment), training and support, communications and overall user experience. Please note that this survey is anonymous and IP addresses will not be tracked.
Many thanks, Workplace Tools Refresh Project |
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What was the date of your deployment(desktop upgrade)? |
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Please rate your level of experience with MS Office 2010 prior to the new desktop deployment |
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Please rate your level of experience with Windows 7 prior to the new desktop deployment |
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Please rate your level of confidence with information technology generally |
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How would you rate the new desktop deployment overall? |
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How would you rate the related communications and engagement overall? |
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How would you rate the deployment team overall? |
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How did you find the pre-deployment instructions (required actions for staff to complete) throughout the pre-communication material? |
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If any, which instructions needed clarifying? If any, which instructions needed clarifying? If any, which instructions needed clarifying? If any, which instructions needed clarifying? If any, which instructions needed clarifying? |
Was enough notice given to confirm the date of deployment for your PC and/or laptop? |
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| Do you have any further comments or suggestions about how the pre-deployment process could be improved? | | |
How well did you understand the process of what would occur on the night before deployment and the day after? |
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If any, which instructions needed clarifying? If any, which instructions needed clarifying? If any, which instructions needed clarifying? If any, which instructions needed clarifying? If any, which instructions needed clarifying? If any, which instructions needed clarifying? |
Were you able to successfully complete the post-deployment checklist contained in your Welcome Pack? |
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If no, which items were you unable to complete? [Free text field] |
Rate the impact of the deployment process had on your daily work activities? |
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Was the disruption to your daily work activities reasonable? |
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If no, please explain why |
Was there anything missing from PC and/laptop for you to be able to complete your day-to-day role in the same manner as before deployment? |
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Did you have access to sufficient information on how to use Office 2010 and Windows 7?
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Did you experience any problems with your system after deployment? |
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If yes, what was your issue? |
If yes was this resolved by: |
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If, you contacted the Service Centre, please rate the support you received? |
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Overall, please rate the support you received after being deployed (from Training & Support) |
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Did you use the MS Interactive Tutorial (via the WTRP primarysource page)?
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Did you use the Quick Reference Guides for Office 2010 and Windows 7 (contained in the Welcome Pack)? |
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Did you refer to the training and support material available on primarysource? |
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Please rate the volume of communications issued regarding the deployment? |
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Was the content of communications sufficient (notificaton, instructions, action required, etc)? |
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For future deployments, which delivery methods(s) do you believe would be most effective? |
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| What do you believe is the best aspect of the new desktop deployment? | | |
| What can the Project Team do to improve the experience for our staff? | | |
| Do you have any further comments or suggestions about the deployment? | | |