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List the names of MCA Aspirants vying for zimmerman ward (type your answer in the space provided below)
In your opinion, is the current MCA of Zimmerman ward fit for another term?
If No state why, and if Yes state why (Type your answer in the space provided below)
What do you think is the major source of income for Residents/livelihoods in zimmerman ward (Multiple choices)
Small businesses SME (shop, Kiosks, supermarkets, bar and restaurants etc. )
Land/Plot owners ( i.e. Landlords, Landlady)
Transport ( Matatu, Taxi, Movers e.t.c)
White collar jobs
Blue collar jobs

Do you think Zimmerman is affected by the lack of ample Security?
If yes, What do you think are the major causes of insecurity in the region (type your answer)
If no, Do you have any suggestions on improving security in Zimmerman ward? (Type your answer in the space provided below)
What are your suggestions on what to be done for access to clean piped water in zimmerman?
In the #Team_Prince Manifesto, What Pulls you to voting for Prince Gachoka For MCA Zimmerman Ward?
Describe #Team_Prince as your likely MCA for Zimmerman ward..