This week, we look at how to select information for your market research report, look at more research about Millenials, review the latest findings from Harvard and MIT about Massive Open Online Courses, then get some social media tips for Twitter hashtags and the Facebook Ads Relevance Score. Enjoy this week’s #FridayFive!
Sorting the Wheat from the Chaff – LinkedIn Pulse
My favorite line: “…does statistically significant mean the same thing as managerially significant?” In the MR industry, this is such a crucial question when it comes to preparing reports. We want to show all the data, but does our audience care?
New Research: Millenials and Customer Service [Infographic] – PodJamTV Blog
Research on millenials seems to be pretty prolific these days. This take on them is centered on their feelings towards customer service. The infographic gives the highlights, such as this one: 56% moved their business from at least one company in the past year due to poor customer service.
Massive Study on MOOCs – Harvard Gazette
Harvard and MIT joined forces to do research on the state of MOOCs. This is the second of such studies they have done on the topic, and it only focuses on the courses they offer via edX, but the key findings are both unsurprising (fee-based certification courses have higher completion rates) and intriguing (many course participants are teachers, 21% teaching in the topic area).
Twitter Hashtag Tips – Hubspot Blog
Demystify hashtags on Twitter with this handy guide. Whether a seasoned hashtagger or a novice, this handy list of tips is great.
What Does the New Facebook Ads Relevance Score Mean to You? – Small Business Trends
Another in the realm of social media demystifying, this post explains how the Facebook Ads Relevance Score can be used to help you create better ads and lower costs of Facebook ad campaigns. Have you been using this in your reports lately?