This week we’re mixing it up and curating four stories instead of five. Because that fifth one kept throwing my title off…
Check out these gems from around the web, and have a great weekend!
Pete Carroll’s Approach to Attracting and Retaining Top Talent – LinkedIn Pulse Article
It’s 12th man fever around here as the Seahawks prepare to successfully defend their SuperBowl title!
It’s hard to argue we’ve got good leadership with coach Pete Carroll at the helm. Here are some anecdotes to effective leadership support, whatever your ‘team.’
Participate In The Q1-Q2 2015 GRIT Survey! – GreenBook Blog
We’re fans of the GreenBook blog, and we’re fans of gathering feedback too. So just because the annual GreenBook Research Industry Trends survey isn’t done on QuestionPro doesn’t mean we won’t participate. And we think you should too (participate, that is, not NOT use QuestionPro for your surveys).
2015 Market Research Conferences – ResearchAccess
Planning to hit the MR conference schedule this year? Here’s how things are shaping up thus far.
Focus Social Marketing On Clear Business Outcomes – Forrester
I realize this is about social marketing and not about customer feedback, but as I read this, it seemed to equally apply. Good 2-minute read.
LEARN ABOUT: market research trends
Happy weekend all!