Schools should occasionally collect and review comments from children, just as a corporation must regularly receive and analyze employee feedback about how it is doing. A class survey questions of students can be used for this.
You can get a representative sample of your students’ views on the curriculum, instructional strategies, and staff behavior at your school by conducting a class survey. It can be used to make important decisions in the future as a tool for obtaining essential information. The classroom response system allowed students to answer multiple-choice questions and engage in real-time discussions instantly.
You should steer clear of any biased questions in your class survey questions, just like you do with other survey types. To get the most out of your student experience survey forms, you should, more importantly, make sure to build your school survey using a dynamic data-gathering platform, such as QuestionPro.
LEARN ABOUT: Survey Mistakes And How to Avoid
What are class survey questions?
Class survey questions are survey questions asked in a online questionnaire to collect feedback from students about the class, their colleagues, and teachers.
Asking such questions can help the researcher to understand the class setting, the factors that influence student learning and behavior, the innovative methodologies for effective learning, the evaluation of teachers, and many more.
These questions are asked by training/teaching institutions through online surveys that provide multiple services, which may be fitness classes, academic classes, dance classes, etc.
LEARN ABOUT: course evaluation survey examples
These are most often used by educational institutions like schools, colleges, and private tuitions to gather feedback on teachers/trainers/instructors and from teachers about their opinions about specific classes.
It allows the researcher to understand the factors that impact a class, including the instructor, the students, the environment, or even the curriculum. It’s also useful for distance learning.
For example, an institution wants to understand the student’s feedback regarding a particular class. A class survey can help the institution to help its students evaluate the class and its teachings. These kinds of surveys include various questions that evaluate the student’s overall satisfaction and evaluation of facilities, services, or instructors to gauge the benefits it provides and to understand how effective the class is.
Collecting such information can enable the institution to tweak its classes accordingly to create and provide an effective class.
Class survey questions are not limited to academic classes only. These can be used by any institution that provides learning by conducting workshops/courses, or classes.
For instance, a gymnasium can also use a fitness class survey to understand if the activities included in the class are beneficial to its participants and how satisfied they are with the workout routines provided by the fitness class.
It will enable the institute to satisfy its customers and help modify its courses and activities to generate more business by attracting more customers.
Benefits of class survey
There are multiple benefits that class survey questions can provide. Many institutions have carried out such a practice of collecting feedback from students for a long time. It has helped these institutes improve their courses and provide an effective learning experience. Following are a few benefits that cannot be missed.
- To recognize trends – When used in longitudinal studies, Class survey questions can help organizations understand the trends and address issues before they become more complex.
- To create a good reputation – Class survey questions can give you information that can be used as testimonial questions from students, which in turn results in marketing the class/course and hence create a good reputation for the class.
- To create an effective class – The effectiveness of a class depends on what the students understand from the teachings. All students are unique; hence, special methods must be used to create an effective learning experience. Receiving feedback directly from the students can enable organizations to modify the methods and activities accordingly to get optimum results.
- To evaluate instructors – Instructors that provide the learning experience to students need to be evaluated to create effective courses. Feedback from students on points such as the instructor’s knowledge, teaching methodologies, and communication is an important factor that should be evaluated regularly. This practice enables institutes to continuously improve their classes and hence provide an effective learning experience.
LEARN ABOUT: Structured Question & Structured Questionnaire
Top 35 Class survey questions for your questionnaires
Class survey questions enable the institutes to conduct in-depth research and collect data that will help them to get information about what works and what doesn’t in a class. A survey created with a good survey design will help the institutes to get good response rates and collect valuable feedback allowing them to create more effective classes and hence provide a better learning experience to their students. A student interest survey helps customize teaching methods and curriculum to make learning more engaging and relevant to students’ lives.
Following are a few survey questions that can be used to evaluate any classes/courses:
- Considering your complete experience with our class, how likely are you to recommend it to your friends or colleagues?
- When did you enroll in this class?
- 2019
- 2018
- 2017
- 2016
- Before 2016
- Haven’t enrolled yet
- Please state what describes you the best from the following.
- Freshmen
- Sophomore
- Junior
- Senior
- Graduate
- Part-time matriculated
- Other (Please specify)
- On a scale of 1 to 7, 7 being the highest, how satisfied are you with the overall format of the class?
- Please set your level of satisfaction with the curriculum set for the class.
- Very dissatisfied
- Dissatisfied
- Neutral
- Satisfied
- Very satisfied
- On a scale of 1 to 7, 7 being the highest, how would you rate the instructor for their knowledge about the topic being taught?
- How helpful was the class material provided to you?
- Extremely helpful
- Very helpful
- Somewhat helpful
- Not so helpful
- Not at all helpful
- How difficult was the class curriculum for you?
- Very difficult
- Difficult
- Neutral
- Easy
- Very easy
- How often were you evaluated in the course of your class?
- Always
- Very often
- Sometimes
- Rarely
- Never
- On a scale of 1 to 7, 7 being the highest, how beneficial was the class for you?
- Did the class provide the right amount of theoretical and practical experience?
- Yes
- No
- Will the class teachings be helpful for the growth of your career?
- Yes
- No
- Please state how satisfied you were with the grade given to you.
- Very dissatisfied
- Dissatisfied
- Neutral
- Satisfied
- Very satisfied
- Does the class provide good value for money?
- Yes
- No
Please state your level of agreement with the following statements:
- The class was very well organized
- Strongly disagree
- Somewhat disagree
- Neutral
- Somewhat agree
- Strongly agree
- The instructor was very knowledgeable about the topic that was taught
- Strongly disagree
- Somewhat disagree
- Neutral
- Somewhat agree
- Strongly agree
- The instructor was very good at communication
- Strongly disagree
- Somewhat disagree
- Neutral
- Somewhat agree
- Strongly agree
- The instructor was motivating and enthusiastic
- Strongly disagree
- Somewhat disagree
- Neutral
- Somewhat agree
- Strongly agree
- The instructor’s methods helped in understanding the topic better
- Strongly disagree
- Somewhat disagree
- Neutral
- Somewhat agree
- Strongly agree
- The grading system was not biased
- Strongly disagree
- Somewhat disagree
- Neutral
- Somewhat agree
- Strongly agree
- The facilities provided were up to your expectations
- Strongly disagree
- Somewhat disagree
- Neutral
- Somewhat agree
- Strongly agree
- The teaching environment in the class helped in better learning
- Strongly disagree
- Somewhat disagree
- Neutral
- Somewhat agree
- Strongly agree
- The hygiene was very well maintained at the facility
- Strongly disagree
- Somewhat disagree
- Neutral
- Somewhat agree
- Strongly agree
Learn more about academic surveys here!
Instructor evaluation class survey questions
How would you rate your instructor on the following points:
- Class Preparation
- Poor
- Fair
- Good
- Excellent
- Clear explanation of the topic
- Poor
- Fair
- Good
- Excellent
- Knowledge of the material available
- Poor
- Fair
- Good
- Excellent
- Innovative methods of teaching
- Poor
- Fair
- Good
- Excellent
- Enthusiasm for teaching
- Poor
- Fair
- Good
- Excellent
- Approachable for help
- Poor
- Fair
- Good
- Excellent
LEARN ABOUT: Travel Survey Questionnaire And Survey Template
Open-ended class survey questions for questionnaires
- Please state 3 things that you liked most about the class and why?
- Please state 3 things that you disliked about the class and why?
- What would you like to be changed or modified in this class?
- Please state 3 points that would make the instructor’s teachings even better.
- What was the most important thing you learned from this class?
- Do you have any comments/suggestions to help improve this class?
A course evaluation survey with class survey questions as above can help the institute evaluate student satisfaction with the course and curriculum taught in the class.
Learn more about academic surveys here!
Class survey questions are a good way to find out important things about a group of people. By asking the right questions, we can find out what the people in our class think, how they feel, and what they’ve been through. We can then use this information to make the classroom a more interesting and effective place to learn.
It’s important to be sensitive and respectful when doing class surveys and to use the information you get in a responsible and useful way. With careful planning and careful analysis, class surveys can help us learn more about our students’ needs and points of view, which can help them grow and succeed.
LEARN ABOUT: Open-Ended Questions
Class survey questions can be created and administered with QuestionPro. QuestionPro makes it easy to learn about our students’ learning experiences with its customizable templates and question kinds. We can visualize and analyze our data using the platform’s sophisticated reporting and analytical features.
LEARN ABOUT: System Usability Scale
QuestionPro can help us understand our students’ needs and viewpoints, whether we’re looking for feedback on specific assignments or ideas to enhance our teaching practices. We can improve student success by using QuestionPro to conduct class surveys.