Customer feedback forms and response collection mechanisms have evolved dramatically over the years. From being printed on paper and filled out with a pen, they are today highly sophisticated and digitally powered surveys with powerful back-end dashboards for insightful analytics.
But not only has the customer feedback survey forms changed in nature, so have the target audience. The digital customer today are also busy, sophisticated, a bit more impatient and has time only for things that they feel are of real value. This means that old practises of getting a feedback back filled by a customer won’t be enough to engage them.
LEARN ABOUT: How to create online surveys
That’s why, here are 7 best practises to keep in mind while creating your customer feedback form using online survey tools:
1.) Create clearly defined feedback objectives
An iron-clad objective is the foundation of the successful customer feedback initiative. Without this, it is easy to get distracted into assimilating too many questions and touching down on several aspects of customer experience which can lead to more incomplete form fills, inaccurate data and conflicting insights. It is therefore important to create a list of core objectives and stick to them while designing your survey feedback form.
2.) Personalize feedback survey
QuestionPro lets you create fully personalized surveys not just with your own branding and logos, but personalization that make a difference to your audience as well. Here you can use custom variables and logic to make questions appear more personalized to your audience with their demographics such as name, age, gender etc. Logic functions allows you to create branching within survey questions depending on the responses selected by customer.
3.) Inform customers why it’s important
Your customers are much more likely to give you complete and honest response in surveys if you explain to them why it is important and how the feedback is meant to help them. This can either be done before sending the survey or in the survey email or even in the very first introductory page of the survey itself.
4.) Encourage feedback with reward programs
Reward programs are an excellent way to encourage customers to fill out feedback surveys. Though it is encouraged that you take the organic route, paid programs like rewards and loyalty points can also do wonders. The kind of rewards and points depends on your business and is solely at your discretion.
5.) Send personalized acknowledgments
How you acknowledge the respondents is very important in retaining them. This means ensuring that you leave an exit response that leaves a positive impression so that they participate again. One of the well proven ways to do that is simply by sending out personalized and fully automated emails using QuestionPro. These can be set uniquely on the basis of the answers (in case of NPS type single question surveys) or a general one with the name of the responded auto-embedded using custom variables.
Need help creating your forms? No problem! At QuestionPro, we have all the features you need to create amazing forms that help you achieve your goals. We invite you to explore this article where we explain why we are your best choice as your form builder software.
6.) Create action points on the feedback received
Now this goes without saying. For the next point to work as well as improve your business, taking immediate action based on the feedback received is critical. Else it simply defeats the work that went into the survey other than giving customers’ expectations on improvements and showing them that you care.
7.) Update customers on the action taken
Once your action plan is ready, share it with the respondents. It is alright to share it with positive responders as well, this will just showcase that you are proactive. And for the ones who expected improvements, well, now this shows that their time and energy spent in responding reaped some great results. This will also be a powerful boost in ensuring that your customers stay loyal and take part in future feedback surveys.