The formulae for succeeding in marketing and customer acquisition has changed dramatically over the past decade. Old laws that worked perfectly well for over 50 years have suddenly been rendered inefficient. The need of the hour is no longer casting a wide net to acquire customers, it is about developing target oriented marketing plans that can specifically identify and acquire customers in the digital space.
But before you can plan to acquire customers, you need to understand them.
Businesses often then several routes to accomplish this task – purchasing complete reports and cherry-picking what you need from them, asking sage Google, investing in heavy data analytics and so much more. But why depend on secondary and often more expensive sources, when you can ask “your” potential customers whatever you need to know about them? Not only do you get to ask customized and accurate questions, even consumers appreciate when a business asks questions to genuinely understand their needs.
LEARN ABOUT: Purchasing Process
This is where the role of online surveys comes in.
It is true that in the past, “surveying” consumers was a costly procedure. So much that an entire industry of “market research companies” have sprung up from it who gather and analyse data on behalf of their clients.
However, the rise of DIY – Do it Yourself online survey software has completely disrupted the market. As the phenomenon suggests, these platforms allow you to create, distribute and analyse surveys all by yourself. They are automated, instantaneous and insightful in providing analytical and visual representation of complicated data gathered from customers.
QuestionPro also comes with readymade survey templates covering all major industries and segments so you have to do the minimum work of customising, self-branding with logos, fonts and colours and just shooting them out to your database.
Wait, don’t have a database to send out your survey to? No problem. QuestionPro also provides the option of buying accurate customer data that is highly specific to your needs!
LEARN ABOUT: How to create online surveys
Once you have surveyed and analysed your potential clients, you now have a 360 degree view of what they require and what their inclinations are. Now you can use this insight to plan and execute your digital marketing campaign with surgical precision.