MaxDiff analysis questions ask respondents to select between the best and worst options out of a given set. If it is implemented with good experimental design, you can obtain a relative ranking for each option.
These questions are apt for situations where trade-offs or choices are required to be made such as below:
- Compare features or benefits
- Find areas for potential investment of resources
- Compare interests and activities
- Decide on potential marketing messages for a new product
- Get inferred feedback on products or services used
What’s new?
MaxDiff survey settings and reports have enhanced to make it more user-friendly for the survey administrators.
- Rich content editor
QuestionPro now allows you to edit answer options too apart from MaxDiff question text. You can edit option text, format it or add an image using a rich content editor.
- Images in options without a text label
It is possible now to view image answer options without text. This makes it possible for survey administrators to use images without requiring to use a textual label. Of course, they can always use text to give more context to the respondents.
- Repetition of attributes
You can control if you want attributes to be repeated as answer options. You can set the number of attributes that will be repeated in each step. For instance, if this option is not selected, each step will have a unique set of attributes in each step. This will give an idea of how audience compares various options and which do they value most.
You can also randomize the display order of attributes. When this setting is toggled on, the answer options will have different attributes showed randomly to all the survey respondents.
- Reports
Now you can generate MaxDiff analysis report in SPSS format also in addition to excel format.
We have added support for images too in the online MaxDiff report to improve the survey user experience. This makes reports easier to use and comprehend than before.
- Online reports
- Excel reports
Also, users will now see an HTML image tag in the Excel report instead of blank space. This image tag can be used in scripts to upload images.
MaxDiff scaling is very useful to market research as it provides a lot of insights with fewer efforts. It is easy for respondents to answer the questions and forces a trade-off. It also eliminates the scale bias and can be used for predictive and clustering purposes.
In case you are looking for an expert’s help on how to perform MaxDiff analysis and use it for market research, let us know. We’re here to help!