What a week of thought-provoking content!
Today’s dose of #FridayFive is packed with mind-boggling commentary you want to read about.
Trust me. Just read it. Like, now.
Harnessing the New Marketing ATOM – Greenbook Blog
The old way to market: whatever you’re doing now. The new way to market in today’s digital age: Audience, Technology, Operating practice, Metrics.
22 Ways to Enhance your Marketing with Just one Tool – Small Business Trends
In the spirit of transparency, we had a hand in bringing this content to market. But it’s a foundation for thinking outside the box, please take a look.
What Advice would you Give to Somebody Entering the Market Research Profession – NewMR
Hint: It’s not “Don’t even think about it.”
Benedict Cumberbatch’s New Film Throws Spotlight On Big Data – Forbes
90% of data in the world today has been created in the past two years!?!? Good stuff.
Top 10 Marketing Trends for 2015 – ResearchAccess
WARNING: This is NOT a cliche list of common-sense marketing tactics you should ignore (read: READ).