It’s time to check out this week’s stories that caught our attention. From learning from our failures to what types of Super Bowl commercials actually perform well (#GoHawks!), it’s time for our #FridayFive!
QBlinks QMote Finally Makes it with Kickstarter – Small Business Trends
We hear plenty of first-shot-made-it success stories, but this one is about a small company that learned from multiple failures before reaching success.
The Latest Visual Content Trends: What’s Going to Be Hot in 2015 – HubSpot Marketing Blog
I love our propensity for making predictions in January about what things will be hot in 2015. Check out this infographic about visual content around the world for the coming year! Do you think the predictions will hold true?
The Gedrankenexperiment – Research Access
A fascinating thought experiment (that’s what “gedrankenexperiment” means, by the way) on how we make decisions.
Super Bowl Commercial Myths Exposed – Quirk’s Marketing Research Blog
We’ve all heard what sells; get ready to have your world rocked by research as it debunks those myths — at least as they relate to Super Bowl commercials. (#GoHawks. We are in Seattle, after all.)
The Data Digest: Behaviors Beyond the Gifts – Forrester Blog
Did you get a cool tech gift during the holidays? It’s been a little over a month since the big end of year festivities and gift-giving occasions of 2014. How has your use of technology changed due to the gifts you received then?