If you’ve followed us long, you know that each Friday, we give a roundup of a five articles that caught our attention this week from the fields of marketing, market research, and small business. Let’s take a look at this week’s #FridayFive!
Our brains are changing, so marketing should, too (MarketWeek) (requires free registration to read the full article)
We’re really excited about trends in mobile lately. This article from MarketWeek talks about research indicating new advertising methods only last about 2-3 years before we start to filter them out. So, while mobile native advertising is the current advertising trend to jump on, marketers should also keep looking ahead to determine what marketing channels will catch on next, because every method has a shelf life.
TV Everywhere options increase customer loyalty (Quirk’s Marketing Research Media)
Speaking of new tech, TV Everywhere is taking off in a big way as an “additive” to the TV viewing experience. This recent technology from Viacom gives pay TV customers the ability to watch their TV shows pretty much anywhere. As a result, findings indicate users find TVE adds value to their TV viewing experience, and users are more likely to stay with their provider because of the TVE offering.
Economics of emotions: the vital role they play in business (SmallBizTrends)
When it comes to marketing, are you focusing on telling customers just the facts, or are you tapping into their emotions? Emotions have been scientifically proven to take the upper hand when it comes to affecting our decisions. Read more about how understanding your customers’ emotional incentives can help you market to them better.
A class in bridging the gap: When UX and MR meet (Guest Post on GreenBook)
This recap from a one-day UX Masterclass hosted by GfK in New York City highlights the benefits of user experience researchers and market researchers combining forces.
What to consider when selecting markets for qualitative research (ResearchAccess)
Are you looking at putting together focus groups for your research project? Get some tips about things you should take into consideration when selecting your next focus group.
[…] of the stories that we highlighted in our #FridayFive post had to do with findings from neuroscience and its effects on marketing. The findings don’t […]