Secret sauce for relationships and market research marketing; location-based research not just hype[rlocal]; disruptors actually disrupting; only ask if you are really asking; and STOP SCARING AWAY YOUR CUSTOMERS!
Yep – that’s today’s #FridayFive.
Marketing Market Research: Listening – the Secret Sauce Secret (GreenBook Blog)
As it turns out, effectively marketing market research and having a healthy relationship have something in common: both rely on active listening. This article by Rick Kendall delves into how this applies to market research marketing.
How Hyperlocal Research Can Benefit Your Business (SmallBizTrends)
Seeing things from a non-researcher’s perspective reinforces why we’re so excited about our upcoming webinar on hyperlocal surveys. Check out this unique perspective about the value for small businesses.
Inspired By Disruptors, Digital Banking Executives Will Innovate In 2015 (Forrester)
Peter Wannemacher digs into why technology is shaking up the banking industry – and what they (the banks) plan to do about it. Time to e-cowboy up.
Are you Guilty of Engagement Speak? (The LoveStats Blog)
Annie Pettit on including an engagement “call to action” at the end of your blog posts: Just…don’t. *gulp!*
You Could Be Scaring Your Customers Away (SmallBizDaily/American Express Open Forum)
SmallBizDaily’s Rieva Lesonsky shares some frightening ways we might be, um, frightening our customers…