Well once again it’s Friday and time for another #FridayFive! There were some great articles this week that related to small business, entrepreneurship, marketing and market research. Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!
Can Entrepreneurship Be Taught, Or Are You Born That Way? (Forbes)
Forbes contributor George Deeb, touches upon the subject of whether the skills needed to become a successful entrepreneur can be attained over time with training, or whether one is born with those traits.
How McDonald’s Made Me a Better Businessman (Entrepreneur)
Think McDonalds is only for unskilled workers? Think again. Tariq Farid, founder and CEO of Edible Arrangements, lays out a few wise lessons learned from working at McDonalds, one of his first jobs when he came to the United States.
Why You’re Feeling All The Feels: The Sadvertising Trend (VidYard)
So you need to get out there and advertise. But how do you do it? Should promote a positive message that leaves the viewer with a smile, or something else? Jennifer Pepper of VidYard shows a few examples of effective marketing using “Sadvertisting”.
Outsourcing: How Can Your Business Benefit? (SmallBizDaily)
With the economy still in recovery, how can small business owners continue to be the most effective they can? One way is through outsourcing, in which Susan Chive, former professional editor for the Business Owner Magazine, explains a few concepts.
How to Link Customer Loyalty To Profits (RelevantInsights)
Reasons for buying a product and a customer’s overall satisfaction may not always be aligned. Michaela Mora of Relevant Insights explains the connection and what you can do as a business owner to help link the two.