StubHub has been one of QuestionPro Workforce’s key clients over the years. Recently, we caught up with Parag Vaish, Head of Mobile – StubHub and had a small chat. We spoke about all things employee experience (EX) and how things were changing positively at StubHub after Workforce. We have some excerpts for you from that conversation.
Parag observes that annual reviews, though still followed by many organizations, are pretty much dead. There are many reasons for that, one of the major ones being that the questions in these annual reviews are pretty generic, organizations follow a one-size-fits-all approach. These lack the key qualities of being personal and actionable, for organizations must realize that every employee is unique.
In today’s workplace, there are three main workforce models: the office workforce, working in a central location; the mobile workforce, which operates remotely or in the field; and the hybrid workforce, combining office and remote work. Each model offers unique advantages and adaptability to meet the demands of modern business.
He believes half-yearly or quarterly reviews are better than annual reviews, further adding, “The typical span of memory an employee has is the last 3-6 months, which means you lose out on half a year’s worth of progress”. This is no good for the employee and even for the organization for many important and key achievements may get overlooked. So how did Parag and team solve this issue? They used Workforce!
Employee Engagement boosts organizational productivity
Stubhub used Workforce to make some changes to their existing review process. Step one was to conduct regular surveys, rather than doing annual ones. Feedback coming through meetings, one-on-ones was also recorded. This helped them gather data weekly, data that geared them to take corrective measures and map future tasks effectively. Due to this, engagement levels went considerably up boosting productivity levels. Parag said, “When an employee is engaged, the end product is far better than if it were dictated to them.”
Workforce not only lets you conduct surveys but analyze gathered data in ways that help improve your EX and culture, key drivers of any successful organization. The analytics gives you insights on what the employees are feeling in their journey, what their grievances are, and factors affecting your organization’s Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS). eNPS survey software lets you know how positively employees feel about the organization and if they would recommend a close friend or a loved one to the organization.
Employees that are heard deliver better results
Anytime, anywhere access has become a norm for today’s workforce, and hence mobile surveys are very important to us. Employees should not feel the burden of filling up surveys just to check off a task from their list. They need to know and realize their feedback will be heard and acted upon. Parag, as Head of Mobile, finds mobile surveys very helpful. He said, “Employees can take mobile surveys as they are walking out the door or boarding their bus. They have it at their fingertips, this increases the volume of responses, frequency of contact, and don’t feel it’s overwhelming.”
Surveys are a good first step to improve your review process. You can sign up for the Workforce platform and see for yourself the benefits of implementing it in your organization. Try the trial version and let us know what you think.