This week, we have plenty to discuss, from shopping trends for 16 to 21-year-olds, to tech developments that seem to take us a little bit backwards, to internet usage changes, a new approach to developing buyer personas, and redefining quantitative research. It’s the #FridayFive!
The shopper of the future: why young shoppers won’t turn their backs on physical stores – GfK Insights Blog
Retailers, take heart: even though so many of us are so accustomed to the mobile experience and online shopping, this study shows that shoppers ages 16-21 are actually more likely than older shoppers (meaning anyone 21+) to only shop at places that have a physical and online presence.
Light phone: a mobile phone that only makes calls – SmallBizTrends
I included this for two reasons: first, I find the fact that this phone is being developed somewhat amusing. (Though HTC already took this approach to some extent with the HTC mini awhile ago.) Second, what does this imply more generally, especially when combined with the information about those ages 16-21 being more likely than those 21+ to only shop at stores that have a physical storefront and a mobile storefront? Are we starting to see a return of some simpler things because the current advancements in technology are becoming too much? (I’d love to hear your thoughts via our feedback tab, by the way.)
8 interesting charts on how the internet is changing – Hubspot Marketing Blog
While the rise of mobile interaction online is not really news any more, there are still gems in here – such as the fact that mobile video is still growing while the rest of internet usage rates are slowing (are we reaching the point where things even out when it comes to internet usage?). Also take note: it’s time to take advantage of mobile advertising!
Everyone’s talking about buyer personas – ResearchAccess
If you’ve been in marketing for any amount of time, you’re likely at least familiar with the idea of buyer personas. The approach described in this book excerpt, though, moves away from the image of the marketing team sitting around a table, looking at stats, and creating a person from the numbers, and moves towards creating that persona from one-on-one customer conversations. Customer conversations can be super-enlightening, and, like a good survey, can give you information you might not have realized from just looking at numbers that could change your approach to how you market your products and services.
Is it time to redefine quantitative research? – Research Rockstar
Quantitative research is starting to suffer from an identity crisis. Perhaps it’s more of a mid-life crisis. Either way, it’s time to take a step back and all get on the same page about what it means when we are talking about quantitative research so that we stop confusing each other.