You don’t have to be a market research expert or professional to launch a professional survey. That’s because QuestionPro has dozens of pre-designed survey templates that you can use for your next survey.
First, click on “Create a survey” and then select “Copy a survey template”
A window will open up that looks like this:
See where it says “Template category”? When you click on that you’ll see 12 categories. Each category has several surveys to choose from. The default is “most popular surveys” where you’ll see the most popular surveys across a variety of categories.
All you have to do is select your category and then select the online survey you’d like to use.
Customize your survey with your company name and product names. And you are ready to go.
But wait…there’s more exciting stuff coming!
On August 6th QuestionPro is launching 10 industry-specific feedback templates to help you implement an industry-specific feedback program immediately. Join us for our LIVE Google Hangout On Air and follow along. By the time the Hangout is done — you could have a survey ready to launch!
Register here: http://bit.ly/feedbackwebinar