Leadership Survey Questions: Definition
Leadership survey questions are defined as a set of survey questions that help employees assess leadership in an organization which is a direct reflection of the abilities of an individual to oversee the growth and progress of an organization.
For any business to succeed and flourish it is essential to recognize the best person for the job. It doesn’t necessarily mean that someone who has been in the organization for a period of time or has the longest resume is a great fit for the position. Leadership is a skill that develops over a period of time and today, most organizations focus on investing their time and effort in systems for employee training to inculcate the habits and attitude to become a leader.
LEARN ABOUT: Leadership Assessment Tools
There are many people who will invariably argue this statement and would say, leaders, are born and not made. But again, it is as debatable as, “which came first, the hen or the egg”? Therefore, let us not leave any scope for argument and stick to facts and absolute basics.
In the following section, you will learn about the top 20 leadership survey questions that will help you evaluate and assess the leadership qualities of an individual.
Learn more: Leadership Assessment Survey Questions + Sample Questionnaire Template
Top 20 Leadership Survey Question for your Survey
An answer is based on the question one must ask. Survey questions play a vital role in collecting quality feedback that helps in making informed decisions. Here is a list of top 20 leadership survey questions you must have in your survey:
Leadership Survey Questions for Self Assessment
This set of survey questions are asked to help an individual assess his/her abilities to understand and learn their strengths and weaknesses to become a leader. These set of questions essentially help an individual identify their potential to lead the side. A good leader always helps to understand the industry he/she is associated with and contribute to its evolution. Here are a set of leadership survey questions for self-assessment:
1. On a scale from 0-10, how would you rate yourself as a leader?
2. Do you like setting up goals and targets?
3. What is your response to someone who questions your decision-making abilities?
4. In your opinion do you respond fairly to the issues in the team?
5. Are you open to suggestions from employees and co-workers?
6. Are you willing to take responsibility when a team member fails to deliver against expectations?
7. Do you feel employees should only take orders without asking any questions?
8. Do you personally think that a leader should be reasonable?
9. A leader must not hold any grudges or biases against anyone in the team. Do you agree with the statement?
10. Do you feel being correct is more important than being right?
11. Do you feel providing guidance without any pressure is a trait of a good leader?
12. Where do you see yourself in the next five years?
13. Is there anything that you would like to add?
Leadership Survey Questions for Demographic Assessment
Demographic questions allow a better understanding of an individual and his/her background. The more an organization knows about its potential leader(s), the higher are the chances that their messaging will resonate better with their employees. Typically demographic questions cover factors such as age, ethnicity, gender questions, educational qualification, employment details, years of experience etc. Here are a set of leadership survey questions for demographic assessment:
14. What is your current designation?
15. What is the department you are currently working in?
16. Please select your gender.
17. Please select your ethnicity.
18. Please select your educational qualification.
19. How long have you been associated with the organization?
20. What are the three things you would like to improve in this organization?
7 Steps to Design a Good Leadership Survey
1. Know what you want to cover in your survey: Even before you finalize the great survey design, it is important to identify what is the purpose of your survey and why would you want to deploy it in the first place? The best way to design the survey is to split your core objectives into multiple unique points. What is the objective you want to achieve once you have deployed the survey to your employees?
2. Have questions that are absolutely necessary: The leadership survey must consist of leadership survey questions that are absolutely essential. Stuffing unnecessary questions in your survey will lead to survey fatigue. This will, in turn, result in survey dropout. If required responses are not obtained that may result in diluted results.
3. Ask one question at a time: Branching questions or asking one or more questions at a time can lead to confusion and there are fair chances that the respondent might end up choosing an incorrect option. Therefore it is advisable to ask one question at a time and get the most appropriate responses.
4. No jargons! For respondents to promptly respond to the survey it is important they understand the survey. Avoid using too many technical terms or jargons. It is in the best interest of the survey creator to keep the language as simple as possible. Simpler the survey, better will be the responses.
5. Spend time to design your survey: It is essential that your survey resonates with your organization’s brand. Spend some time to design your survey, make it user-friendly, short and simple and also easy to respond. Once you have designed your survey, you must check it for any errors. Deploying a survey with errors or spelling mistakes will talk poorly about the organization’s reputation.
6. Analyze the responses: One of the most important things to do after you have sent out your survey is to collect the responses. Carefully analyze your survey and categorize the data. This will help you make well-informed decisions.
7. Put a summary together: Once all the responses are in place download the report. This report will help you understand the plan of action that you would want to take with respect to aligning what leadership qualities are an organization looking at. This entire process, if followed in a systematic manner, will yield the best results.
Tips to Writing Great Leadership Survey Questions
1. Avoid leading questions: Your leadership survey must not consists of leading questions that force the responded to choose an answer option, this way your survey responses will be biased and the purpose of you collecting the information will not be fulfilled. Choose your 360 leadership assessment survey questions carefully to avoid diluted results.
2. Avoid misplaced questions: A good survey has an intended flow. It is important for a survey designer to place the question in a well-organized manner, to take away any fatigue that can be caused to the respondent due to misplaced questions in a survey.
3. Keep consistent answer options: Respondents need a clear way of providing honest and clean feedback, otherwise, the credibility of their response is at stake. Therefore, the answer choices you include can be a potential source of bias.
4. Keep your questions optional: Don’t be in the rush to make all your questions compulsory to answer. Respondents may not be happy answering all your questions and they may not even be comfortable answering all of them.
You’d probably get annoyed! Isn’t it?
You can address this by asking different question types and also spacing out similar sounding questions.
5. Take your survey for a spin: Once you have added all the questions, deploy it to a set of people in your organization first, to evaluate and understand if they are comfortable with every question in the survey. Also as a survey creator, there is no worse feeling than finding mistakes in your survey. To avoid such situations share it with your friends, colleagues in advance. A fresh pair of eyes can give your survey a different perspective.
If you want to learn more about human resources survey and know more such interesting tips, we’d love to connect.
If you want to get started immediately and create your first leadership survey, ask us how. Book a demo now!