With today’s dynamically changing landscape of the coronavirus, many educational institutions are planning for going full-tilt on an online solution – at least for the next 60 days. MIT, Stanford, and UC Berkeley have all announced that they will be shifting to “Online-Only” mode for the next couple of months.
We think that the LivePolls tool – can be one of the tools in your tool chest as we (at least temporarily) move full digital for all interactions. The tool is built with interaction and engagement at its center-piece and as things go online, this would be paramount.
LEARN ABOUT: Live polls for Classroom Experience
Today we are announcing that LivePolls is free for all users of QuestionPro – including Essentials Users. This is especially true for today’s educators – who need access to digital tools to keep their online students engaged digitally – even when they are not in the classroom.
We have had a great relationship with folks here in Texas like UT – El Paso, UT – Arlington, and folks from Tennessee – UT – Knoxville.
If you are a higher ed CIO or IT Administrator, please connect with us at [email protected] or connect with me directly: vivek[dot]bhaskaran[at]questionpro.com – and we can even set up a sitewide license for LivePolls for all your faculty members.