Many companies believe it’s better to ignore customer comments and suggestions to adhere to their strategy. These companies are the first to collapse in the market. It’s no big surprise, but companies have the accountability to adapt to the market and consumer trends to survive. The only way to achieve this is to start listening. With an online suggestion box, customers can leave comments whenever they want, even from their mobile devices, and companies can instantly review the comments.
What is an Online Suggestion Box
An online suggestion box is a tool used to collect customer feedback. Generally, when responding, people can remain anonymous. This, of course, has its pros and cons. Anonymity can provide customers with a sense of confidence to express their true feelings, which provides important insights into the business.
Businesses use suggestion boxes to collect customer feedback and allow customers to share their opinions about the service and shopping experience. This can give them great ideas for improving their processes, products, or services.
How to Implement an Online Suggestion Box
You can create a suggestion box, for example, by putting a button on your website and having an online form that allows you to obtain customer feedback. You can also embed a survey on one of your high-traffic pages or share your survey link in customer support chat
If you want to start using an online suggestion box in your company, we have this guide for you that will help you achieve it easily:
1. Keep the process professional and anonymous
If you want your suggestion box to work, we recommend that you follow a professional procedure and that customers respond anonymously.
Make sure customers understand the process and mention that the mailbox should not be a tool for complaining or criticizing other people.
2. Choose a moderator
Choose a trained employee who understands the data collection process and will ensure the process is carried out. This moderator can review suggestions offered by customers and remove biased comments.
This will ensure you don’t waste time strategizing to improve the customer experience.
We also recommend creating a team responsible for analyzing and strategizing with customer feedback and overseeing its execution.
3. Make the right changes
For this process to work properly and produce good results, it is essential to consider customers’ good ideas. This way, they will know that you are considering and valuing their comments.
As a leader, you should be open to suggestions from other people about your business. While not all of them will be suitable for your company’s processes and policies, it is not harmful to have an open mind.
4. Use the right system to collect reviews
Platforms like QuestionPro allow you to collect and view customer information in real time.
In addition, it offers many options for obtaining these comments, such as using mobile devices to collect the information, either through a form in kiosk mode, email, MSN, or on its website.
Benefits of implementing an online suggestion box
Among the main benefits of having a suggestion box are the following:
- It allows you to get creative ideas from your clients that they would not otherwise offer, thus creating better-targeted strategies.
- Encourage innovative thinking among your employees by designing strategies that promote a positive customer experience. Your organization’s leaders can see a new panorama or better visualize the areas that need adjustments that they had not considered before.
- It is an excellent opportunity to improve your service and create new and innovative products.
Disadvantages of using an online suggestion box
Some of the disadvantages of creating an online suggestion box are the following:
- Some customers will hide behind anonymity to send rude comments that they wouldn’t otherwise say.
- Some clients will not give you constructive criticism but will use it to complain.
- If no one executes the changes, the process may be a waste of time and not produce results.
Are you giving good customer service Implementing an online suggestion box can be a valuable and effective tool for any business, as long as it is done correctly? Make sure you implement the suggestions that customers offer to build their trust in your organization.
If you want to know more about creating an online suggestion box, contact us and schedule a demonstration of our online data collection tool.