A voting poll online is widely used to predict the outcome of live polling. However, nowadays they have become the most convenient and practical tool for the marketing community.
In this article, we will introduce you to what they consist of, what their advantages are, and how to carry them out easily for your next voting process on basically any topic.
What is a voting poll online?
The online voting poll or online opinion poll is a voting tool that is carried out among a group of people from a device connected to the internet. It is a method of collecting and analyzing people’s opinions on a given topic.
In addition to its widespread use in electoral polling, today’s business owners are seeing voting systems as an important resource that helps them make the most effective decisions.
Taking an online vote helps you understand what and how people think about a certain product you are planning to launch, it is also an easy option to distribute and has the time factor in its favor.
An online voting system is the best for short-market research. This is because companies depend on commitment: commitment to the customer, employees, stakeholders, suppliers, etc.
Importance of conducting a voting poll online in a business
The valuable information collected through voting systems or free online surveys is essential to explain the strategies that are beneficial for the growth of companies.
With online voting, entrepreneurs obtain reliable and primary data for differential use such as launching new products, understanding new markets, learning about their customers, strengthening business relationships, etc.
Informal online voting conducted through websites or social networks is attracting an increasing number of Internet users, providing politicians, researchers, and the media with an instant, real-time view of the public opinion.
On the other hand, companies are seeing online voting systems as an important tool to enhance their current presence and to generate excitement around a new product.
Tips for creating an effective voting poll online
A free online vote is a means to give opinions and suggestions. Perhaps that answer can lead to a product update, or it can become a fascinating topic for a new book.
These are some tips that you should take into account to create effective online voting:
Opt for closed questions:
Closed questions, which are conclusive in nature, generate data that is easily quantifiable.
In an online poll maker you will find a variety of closed questions, such as single choice, multiple-choice, dropdown, checkbox, ranking questions, etc.
Ask short and forceful questions
A good question is tempting and motivates participation. Just after reading the online voting question, the audience gets the feeling that their time will be well spent.
Remember, a great vote starts with an equally good question. Ask a question of no more than 10-15 words, making sure it hits the point. A short, punchy question means more people understand the question, leading to a high response rate.
Ask no more than three questions:
An online voting system is good and more attractive if it has no more than three questions. Basically, an online vote is a miniature poll that should be limited to three questions and that too in a systematic flow.
For long questions or for more questions, you have the option to create an online survey. Using more questions in online voting will only cause you to have a low completion rate.
Avoid ambiguous questions:
When writing your online voting questions, be sure to avoid writing them in a way that forces participants to lean to one side of the argument. Also avoid incorporating two questions into one. For example:
How satisfied are you with your boss and salary?
The question creates a problem for the voters, who will not understand what they have to answer. What if they are satisfied with the boss and dissatisfied with the salary? The best way is to split the vote into two questions: one about the boss and one about salary.
How can companies use a voting poll online?
Using polls is a way to instantly increase customer engagement. Incredibly, online voting has great potential to turn passive audiences into active participants. After all, we all love to comment and give opinions.
Some ways to take advantage of online voting tools are:
Create an online vote on a particular topic
Online voting is a type of independent research conducted interactively to address a big or not-so-big question.
You can also create an online vote to have fun around a specific topic and generate interest among people.
The great thing about online voting is that you can share it on your social media accounts, send a link via email, embed the poll on your website, or present it as a pop-up poll.
Place an online vote on your website
Online voting plays an important role in obtaining feedback. Whether it’s about collecting information about your website or a piece of content you’ve posted on the blog.
Not only will placing online polls on your website increase visitors’ time on your page, but participation increases the chances of adding more satisfied and happy visitors.
The only precaution for online voting is to make sure you use a tool that is trusted, tested and has enough features and capabilities.
- Promote new products using online voting
People are interested in buying things that have been tested. Use online poll feedback to promote that a product is being used by many people and that they are happy with it, it will surely increase the sales of your product.
Apart from that, before launching a new product you can conduct online poll questions to understand the problem that people face when using the specific product that you are going to launch. After you have the necessary knowledge, you can take a vote again to find out if your product is successful and if you overcome the detected problems.
Voting poll online tools
Currently, there are tools to make online votes such as QuestionPro’s Livepolls, a platform that will facilitate the process through templates, the option to choose the types of questions that best suit your vote, monitor in real-time, and analyze your data easily.
With QuestionPro’s Livepolls, all you have to do is follow the tips and best practices to create the right questions and conduct your own live voting poll online in real time with any audience. Learn more about it. Did we mention is free?