In 2017, QuestionPro Audience developed blogs, infographics, and data-based surveys filled with compelling information. If you missed them the first time, never fear! We have compiled a list of our top 5 blog posts for your reading pleasure. Enjoy!
5. The Seven Deadly Sins of Questionnaire Design A year ago, we published a series of best practice for questionnaire development. This year, we would like to highlight some common mistakes that research practitioners should avoid, to ensure their data collection effort is… |
4. The Landline Survey: An Antiquated Methodology Back in the 1990’s, virtually every household had a landline, and people would answer the phone and talk to survey research callers. However, times have changed, even though some researchers are stubborn about admitting the change. |
3. Declaration of War? North Korea and What Americans Think About Recent Threats QuestionPro Audience conducted a survey to understand what Americans think about this international crisis. Respondents were asked a series of questions to gauge their perception and attitude towards this much critical topic. Find the full research inside. |
2. iPhone X – Are Consumers Willing to Pay? Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past decade, you’ve heard of, used, and/or own an Apple product. When Apple first debuted the iPhone in 2007, it revolutionized smartphones and changed the industry. |
1. Lies and the Lying Survey Takers Who Them Ok, I couldn’t help myself here. I’m playing off the title of a great satirical book by Al Franken, a comedian who later became the Democratic Senator for the State of Minnesota. According to the… |