QuestionPro hosted a 3-day online conference – Spring XDay 2022, for our customers in North America, starting on Monday, June 6, 2022. The event started with a focus on Research Suite products and was live-streamed on YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.
Here’s a quick recap in case you missed it!
Watch the complete recording here.
Kicking off the day at 9:45 am, Crystal Wiese, Director of Marketing at QuestionPro, and Dan Fleetwood, President of QuestionPro Research and Insights, introduced the day’s schedule and agenda.
The day started with a keynote presentation by Matthew Seltzer, the author of the book ”The Creative Catalyst: How to Create Better Marketing By Asking (And Answering) Better Marketing Questions.” Matt has been a lifelong marketer, started his career in market research and worked for the most decorated ad agencies in the western US. He teaches marketing courses at universities and has been a former President of AMA. Apart from being a market research and marketing strategy consultant, he is the owner of S2 research – the market research partner of marketers – based in Las Vegas.
Matt, after having worked in both marketing and research, feels that usually these two worlds don’t communicate and collaborate as much as they should, in spite of being connected. He thinks both can benefit from each other and bring out a bigger impact. Talking about the research’s role in the grand cosmos of marketing he said, “As researchers, we think it is to inform, but we must remember that it is also to inspire.”
Matt added that market research can inspire marketing at multiple stages – pre-marketing, mid-marketing, and research in action. It doesn’t just help us tap into our marketing audiences – it helps us engage with the audience too! The best approach is always one that takes into account your audience’s needs and wants, as well as what makes them tick. In order to do this, you need to have a deep understanding of the way people think about a product or service in general. That way you can make sure that you’re delivering on the things which matter most for your business and for consumers overall!
Well, it was surely an insightful talk by Matt. He also answered some of the questions asked by the audience. You can find out more about his thoughts and the role of research in marketing in his book. We gave away a free copy to all our attendees. Let us know if you’d like to have one.
Watch Matt’s keynote presentation here.
Later on in the day, Dan Fleetwood highlighted the latest features with a product showcase joined by Nick Freiling, Director of InsightsHub, and Tim Cornelius, Director of Audience. He started with what QuestionPro Research Suite includes and how it’s a complete set of tools for market researchers. You can create surveys having custom point and click logic and run reports. With Communities, you can keep your promoters highly engaged and connect with like-minded people while collecting qualitative and quantitative data. QuestionPro Audience lets you access 22M+ mobile-ready respondents from various demographics for your research needs. With InsightsHub, you can manage all your research data in one repository and use it as a single source of insights. But if all these feel daunting to you, we have Research Services. Just pass on the heavy lifting to us!
Dan walked us through the product roadmap and talked about the features released during past quarters such as Merge Data 2.0, Text highlighter, Data Quality and more. Talking about data quality, saying “You can measure how good your data health is based on how many data quality tools you use.” He also gave a glimpse of what’s coming up in the near future.
One of the features in Communities that particularly got our users excited is the Viewer Mode in Video Discussions. It lets the stakeholders and VIPs view the discussion and chat with the moderator. This feature aimed to help researchers who wanted to conduct studies virtually when it was difficult to conduct research in person. It allows the administrator to invite viewers into a video discussion. The viewers can listen in to the discussion and chat with the administrator to drive the discussion in a more meaningful direction.
Next, Tim gave us a demo of Instant Answers. It is a slack integration that helps researchers to reach the right people and receive responses quickly. All you need to do is post a question on Slack, and choose the region, language, and sample size.
Following him was Nick, giving a demo of InsightsHub. It is a dedicated repository of insights data, research methods, and everything else so that the data doesn’t stay under-utilized. InsightsHub’s deep search, smart-tagging, and knowledge graphing help you connect projects together. The users can have full transparency into project files and timelines. They can now search and scan project details, assign key themes and nuggets, and reference knowledge across projects.
Nick believes that key findings are worthless if they’re not shared with the right decision-makers in the right way at the right time.
Watch the Research Suite Product Showcase here.
Taking the afternoon time slot Tim Cornelius talked about Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Research. Often the current screening processes isolate those with lower education or socioeconomic status, some ethnicities, and people with disabilities. With this gap, researchers might be missing out on an important dataset and hence, might be generating incorrect insights.
Talking about inclusivity, he presented some surprising stats. Did you know 1 in 4 people in the United States suffer from some form of disability? And about 73% disabled people experience barriers in accessing your website. He also showed examples of some of the worst offenders while stressing the importance of surveys and web designs that are friendly to the differently-abled audience.
Watch Tim’s presentation on DEI in Research here
Rounding out the day Dan Fleetwood and Crystal Wiese highlighted “5 things you probably didn’t know you could do with QuestionPro”. He gave us a demo of some of the most overlooked features as well as some of the not-so-used features but are highly useful to market researchers. Some of them are extraction, question blocks, review mode and ..?
Well, if you want to know which are the other two features, check out our recording here
Our Spring XDay 2022 wasn’t just about presentations and chats!
The day was filled with lots of interesting insights, fun, interaction, and giveaways! All attendees received a free Starbucks coffee and a hardcopy of keynote speaker Matt Setlzer’s book ”The Creative Catalyst: How to Create Better Marketing By Asking (And Answering) Better Marketing Questions.” We also gave away VIP tickets to The Quirk’s Event in July 2022.
If you couldn’t attend the Research Monday on Spring XDay 2022 North America, catch all the action here.