I’ll bet you never thought you could use surveys to increase your web site conversions! I’m not sure exactly why, but the thought had never crossed my mind until a meeting that I had with my SEO guru about a client.
Our client was a local elder law attorney who was in the process of launching a new site. In addition to that, he was running a sophisticated referral strategy and wanted to see if it was working. So I brought up the idea of doing a survey of our clients. When I shared this idea with my SEO team, they recommended that I add two more questions:
- What was it about (our client) that made you choose him?
- What was it about the client that made you almost NOT choose him?
These two questions will give you the answers you will need to improve your website and get higher conversions. In other words — what you learn from the answers to these two questions will help you add or highlight exactly the information your audience is looking for that will make them choose YOU instead of someone else.
Three creative ways to insert surveys on your web
Your web site is a terrific place to gather feedback from your customers and your market because this is exactly where questions come up for them and you want to be there with an opportunity to answer them and gather feedback. At this stage of the game, you might be concerned about interrupting your customers’ or prospects’ buying process, but so far, all the research evidence has shown that having some kind of way to reach out in the middle of their process; when they have questions, increases their conversions.
- Embed a survey on your web page: QuestionPro has a variety of ways to insert links that will take you to a feedback survey. One of my favorites is the feedback tab. Inserting a feedback tab is easy and looks super professional on your site. QuestionPro offers a variety of embed options such as: Pop-up (new window), Pop-up (overlay), embed on the web page and exit surveys. Actually, my favorite is a simple and obvious button that is a part of your web page design and is easily visible to your audience.
- Use an online chat feature: Another terrific way to collect feedback and engage with your customers online is using a live online chat feature. Online chat features have been shown to actually increase sales conversions because customers get their objections answered quickly.
- Social media research: Don’t forget about using social media as part of your research methodology. It certainly doesn’t replace traditional survey methods, but it can certainly help you understand the motivations of your audience.
The lesson here is to not just use surveys for formal projects or management decisions, but to make surveys a regular and on-going part of your sales and conversion strategy.
I’m not sure if this is as true today as it was a decade or two ago, but my impression has been the surveys were always viewed as a marketing expense – as money spent or lost as part of doing business. Using surveys to dig deeper behind creating web conversions is a great way to link surveys to sales and that is a win-win for everyone!
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