Thanksgiving weekend is practically here and while retailers do their best to charm us into going out on Thursday — we’ve found that our community has other ideas.
Earlier this week, we asked our community what their favorite part about Thanksgiving was and here is what they said:
Clearly food and cooking stole that show at a combined 47% of our respondents. Followed closely by football and family. Since most of us spend time watching football with family — that seems reasonable. And even at a time where we are overwhelmed by too much to do and not enough time — sleeping has fallen to the bottom of the list of favorite things to do.
5 Swipable Gratitude Quotes for Thanksgiving
Since I’m in the Thanksgiving spirit today, I thought I might share some quotes about gratitude and Thanksgiving. Some are serious and some are saucy — all are Tweetable – so feel free to swipe and deploy.
- via @QuestionPro:There is no sincerer love than the love of food.” –George Bernard Shaw
- via @QuestionPro:#Gratitude, like faith, is a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it grows,- Alan Cohen
- via @QuestionPro:#Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life.- unknown
- via @QuestionPro:You can tell you ate too much for #Thanksgiving when you have to let your bathrobe out.” –Jay Leno
- via @QuestionPro: An optimist is a person who starts a new diet on #Thanksgiving-Irv Kupcine
So — what are you grateful for today? Share what you’re grateful for this Thanksgiving in the comments below!