The importance of mobile apps in our society is a reality that grows every single moment.
According to marketing agencies all over the world, such as Neoattack, that´s the reason why is extremely important to design an excellent marketing strategy for apps.
Every business has the same primary goal: increase the number of clients in order to increase profits. That goal is always approachable using appropriate marketing strategies, which can either point a new business in the right direction or keep an established company on the right track.
In this article, we are excited to explain everything you need to know about marketing strategies step by step. If you are interested in being an expert in apps and digital marketing pay attention.
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1. Identify your customers’ necessities and set objectives
Firstly, you must answer two questions: what does my website offer to my clients and how can my website improve?
You must analyze deeply the following aspects:
- Geolocation: clients must be able to reach your business (shop, restaurant, office etc) using your app.
- Membership clubs or groups: providing fidelity programs for loyal members.
- Agenda of events or news.
- The load speed of your website to check if it is optimized.
The design of an app offers plenty of options that every business must examine and choose. The best thing you can do is thinking like your client or user. If you try to understand your user´s mind you will be able to know what he/she really needs. Creating a marketing strategy for apps is discovering what can satisfy your clients. If you are not sure about it, you will probably lose your precious time and money.
Remember that every user that downloads an app is making a choice because it´s not possible to download all apps on the marketplace. Everybody wants useful apps which can save time, money and don´t spend too much battery.
LEARN ABOUT: User Experience Research
It´s important to set objectives based on KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) as much as possible because it will help you to achieve your goals and get an overall view of your current statement.
Sometimes is very interesting and effective to observe your competitors and their behavior. We are not saying that you must just copy them, but try to identify their strength and weakness in terms of marketing strategy for apps.
2. Budget and tools for Apps design: what do you need?
After you know exactly your app´s design, options, functions etc you must pay attention to: time and maintenance. If you want to achieve success you must focus on updating and developing a good communication strategy.
The marketplace for apps is huge and there are many competitors, because of that, updating every day your app needs time and dedication.
Only when you have noticed and identified your client´s necessity you will be able to know what kind of device you need (Smartphone, Tablet, Ipad…) and platform (IOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows).
There are three different ways for developing apps:
- Companies that are specialized in building apps quickly.
- App builders, online platforms or framework apps.
- By yourself (if you learn Java, AppS, Swift and Objective C).
When your time and budget are limited, we advise you to use app builders. There are many different templates and tools which help you to build apps easily and fast. However, if you are looking for great results, the only way is hiring apps builder companies.
3. Design and user experience for apps
It´s important to build apps which are easy to use and understand. This statement could seem obvious but many people forget it frequently and the results are catastrophic. User experience is one of the pillars of any marketing strategy.
“On boarding” means when a client uses an app and there are messages with instructions on how it works. Many marketing experts assure that, when users need watch videos or read texts in order to learn how to use an app, there are many mistakes in app´s design. And their opinion makes sense because apps should simplify our lives and our daily routine.
4. Gather customer feedback before you launch an app
To recognize strengths and weakness of our project is not a piece of cake. Before you are ready for launching an app you should test it, asking people their opinion about it. Asking the right question and the right time can make you save a lot of money.
Remember that the first version of your app should be a MVP, which signifies minimum value product, so it has to improve according to user´s opinions. You can do also some A/B testing
Making small changes and asking users what they prefer.
5. Publish your app in the marketplace
The most important platforms where you can publish your app are Google Play and App Store. The first one is for Android and the second one for IOS. Although is expensive, the best thing you can do is publishing your app on both platforms.
The key to success in digital marketing is to position your app in search engines, which means to develop ASO actions to achieve a remarkable on mobile apps stores.
6. Techniques of ASO App On- site: professional tips
ASO (app store optimization) is to design your app download page from several app stores where you have the chance of getting the highest rank in the search results. Thanks of that, your app can be found by your target audience easily and gain a large number or customers.
The most important aspects that you must know: title, description, icon, design, category, keyword research, app developers, screenshots, and video.
6.1. Title for Apps
Find an attractive title which includes your keyword. Users must know immediately the main purpose of your app. Attractive titles always drive audiences to install your app.
6.2 Description user-friendly
It is essential for users to know the function and feature of your app. If you want to optimize your app´s description follow these recommendations:
1) Add your keyword in the first paragraph.
2) List out the benefits of using your app.
3) Add details like version number, bug fixes, etc.
4) Put your app link.
6.3 App Icon
The first impression of users who look for an app is its icon. It is true that the screenshots also have a considerable impact on users and drives them to install an app. The advantage of the screenshots is that they can also show the feature and functions of your app, but in an indirect way.
6.4 App design
The App structure must be attractive and useful because if it is overloaded with functions, features, and descriptions users will lose interest.
6.5 Category
You have to consider to upload your app in the right category which fits better with your app. It will help you to find your targeted users that increase the conversion rate.
6.6. Keywords research
They are a huge amount of apps competing for the downloads in app stores. You need to choose keywords and if they have low competition is better. Obviously, the most popular word has more traffic but you must pay a lot of money. So, the best option that you have is to choose some low competition words to achieve your goals.
6.7 App developers
You should use app developers which were included previously in the list of Apple Store and Google Play Store.
6.8 Screenshots
Try to beautify the screenshots which show your app features because users will pay attention to them. If the screenshots are not clarifying advantages of using your app, just change them. As we said before, it´s important to show how easy and useful is your app in the marketplace to get users.
6.9 Video can attract more users
Young people and adults always tend to be more influenced by the advertisement and videos. The reason is that the dynamic information has a direct effect on the user´ subjective consciousness. So, try to create an attractive video to introduce functions and features.
7. Techniques of ASO App Off- site: why they are so important?
When you are trying to get the highest rank on the internet you can´t forget many aspects that are not depending on your site, although they are relevant such. In other words, there are important factors that can increase the visibility of apps but you are not able to control them easily such as:
- Reviews: People like sharing their opinions and the majority of the time they are negative. Users love complaints and express what they don´t like about your app. Listen to them because, sometimes, they can be right and they can give you valuable information.
- Landing page or official website: Creating a website for your app helps to inform more users and you will increase the number of downloads. Furthermore, you can use social networks and email marketing that provides you information about your users. Using newsletters improves your meta data strategy which is absolutely necessary. You can use free email platforms like Mail relay or mail Chimp, depending on your interest.
- App Store Optimization: An efficient way to help users discover your app on the App Store for iPad and iPhone. You can also use Google Ads for Android and increase your traffic. ASO is a process that every business with apps should never stop because it helps to grow and earn more profits.
8. Conclusion
To create your marketing strategies for apps demands time and money but it´s the only way to increase your clients and revenue. We hope you find this article interesting and follow our recommendations step by step in order to achieve good results and success in your business.
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