About Kentucky Diabetes Camp for Children, aka Camp Hendon:
Based out of Louisville, KY, the Kentucky Diabetes Camp for Children, aka Camp Hendon, operates life-changing summer camp programs for children with diabetes. Apart from two paid, year-round employees, Camp Hendon is run exclusively by volunteers in their spare time. In 2017 they welcomed a record high of 136 campers – which required 97 volunteers to stay with them for a whole week of the diabetes camp. Not only did these volunteers give up a week of their summer, but they also spent 4th of July at the camp. Camp Hendon exists because of the unconditional support of the volunteers who devote their time and energy to helping the children.
Why did Kentucky Diabetes Camp for Children require volunteer experience surveys platform and how did they implement it?
Considering the fact that they survive on volunteer support, implementing volunteer experience surveys are key. These surveys are integral in knowing whether the volunteers are keen on coming back year after year, collecting suggestions to improve the volunteering experience by asking effective volunteer experience questions, and they’re essentially a source of encouragement from the volunteers who would like Kentucky Diabetes Camp to strive and achieve greater heights.
After their week of summer camp concluded, they started the search for a comprehensive volunteer experience survey tool that they could offer beneficial volunteer experience survey examples to get feedback from their volunteers.
Megan Cooper, Executive Director of Kentucky Diabetes Camp for Children shared with us how relieved they were to stumble upon QuestionPro, as it allowed them to collect feedback from their volunteers by asking them detailed volunteer experience questions in a customizable format. Kentucky Diabetes Camp can now incentivize and reward them for their participation with a gift card, which is a huge bonus! In addition to surveying their staff, they started sending out surveys to their camp families; as feedback from parents is equally valuable to them. Families were able to talk to their children, and campers, about their experience which in turn helped Camp Hendon to make improvements every year.
Megan said, “Next summer, Kentucky Diabetes Camp is thrilled to be expanding the camp to a second week in a new location. With the long hours and seemingly infinite number of details to consider with this expansion, it is so nice to know that we have a robust, customizable, reliable tool to send out volunteer experience surveys and also to collect the responses from the parents. Thank you QuestionPro for taking the stress out of at least one item on my to-do list!”