Last week I offered a slightly whimsical teaser of our upcoming webinar: “QuestionPro+iBeacon: Hyperlocal Research Made Easy.”
But really the topic is not one to trifle with – for any business with a physical location, it’s actually pretty disruptive technology and deserves attention. In addition, we’re now in unchartered mobile connectivity territory: mobile users are now accessing the web via mobile apps more than through web browsers for the first time in history.
So today I’d like to fill in the “But why should I attend this webinar?” gap a little more completely.
Without further ado, I present:
The Top 5 Reasons to Attend the QuestionPro+iBeacon Webinar
- You’re curious about those strange looking objects in some stores that look like futuristic hidden camera wall sconces.
- You’ve never heard of ‘Bluetooth BLE’ technology and want to know what it stands for (SPOILER ALERT: It’s actually Bluetooth LE or BLE, and stands for “Bluetooth Low Energy,” which sets it apart from earlier Bluetooth standards that could suck the croak out of a 2-pound toad).
- You think the idea of “Last Moment of Truth” is propaganda promulgated by the media to sell more advertising and want to gather fodder to be used in your satirical stand-up routine at Thursday’s open mic night.
- Your business practically runs itself and you have all the customers and revenue you want, but your calendar is open on Nov. 12th at 11am PST, so you thought you’d join anyway.
And the #1 reason to attend QuestionPro’s Nov. 12th webinar on location-based research using QuestionPro and iBeacon:
You want to increase visitor engagement and gather immediate feedback before, during and immediately after a physical visit.
Please join us on Wednesday, Nov. 12th, 2014 at 11am Pacific / 2pm Eastern to hear from market research expert Jeffrey Henning of ResearchScape and Chandika Bhandari, CEO of Seattle AppLab, as we premiere QuestionPro’s custom integration with iBeacon and explore how this technology can work for you.