Burris Central Leadership Program Evaluation - Parent/Family - Dashboard
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What was your overall satisfaction level with the program?
Answer Count Percent
20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Very Satisfied 12 80%
Satisfied 3 20%
Dissatisfied 0 0%
Very Dissatsfied 0 0%
Total 15 100 %
How did this program impact your student?
07/08/2023 61285514 My student has a greater understanding of how to problem solve in a leadership context, how to work with a team, and how to think about community issues and how to problem solve a workable solution.
04/21/2023 60630678 She stepped out of comfort zone by interacting new and unfamiliar faces
04/21/2023 60630454 helped give a good outlook on opportunities in the community
04/21/2023 60630436 wiser, more independent, make proper judgement
04/21/2023 60630426 Sophia gained confidence and learned teamwork and beginning leadership skills
04/21/2023 60630415 This program gave her a sense of responsibility
04/21/2023 60630390 made her more confident with her leadership skills
04/21/2023 60630335 While my student has never had an issue with being a leader, this program helped by teaching her to draw on others' opinions which makes her a better leader
04/21/2023 60630287 making new friends, doing things together with friend
04/21/2023 60630268 It made him more responsible and time management
What suggestions would you have to improve the program?
07/08/2023 61285514 Almost nothing other than Monday nights are not a great fit for us and seem to be a night that other stuff routinely gets scheduled for.
04/21/2023 60630678 maybe an earlier start and end time
04/21/2023 60630454 none
04/21/2023 60630436 have an additional program similar to it
04/21/2023 60630415 transportation
04/21/2023 60630335 With this being our first experience with this program, I am pleased with what the program offers. I guess the branching out to county schools?
04/21/2023 60630287 it is already a great program
04/21/2023 60630268 maybe involve some of the parents in some of the session
04/21/2023 60630175 Starts a little later in the evening. If possible could start earlier
04/18/2023 60594773 Almost nothing other than Monday nights are not a great fit for us and seem to be a night that other stuff routinely gets scheduled for.
What would you share with others about your student's experience in the program?
04/21/2023 60630678 Her time management has slightly increased. She is always eager to go to the meetings. She always has positive things to say about the program. She's met some really nice people whom she may not have met without this group.
04/21/2023 60630454 that it's a great learning experience
04/21/2023 60630436 fun, learned a lot of things
04/21/2023 60630415 I think this program helped her to get a glimpse of city project development
04/21/2023 60630390 she enjoyed going each week and overall had a great time
04/21/2023 60630335 I would tell anyone who has a student that could be apart of this program then they should take advantage of the opportunity
04/21/2023 60630287 the kid growth
04/21/2023 60630175 It helped her to come out of her shell, meeting students from different schools around the area. Also helped her with working with others in the group
04/17/2023 60588078 Would recommend that it's worth the investment of time.
Did this program impact your student's leadership ability? Please explain why or why not.
04/21/2023 60630678 yes. She already had great leadership skills and the program enhanced them
04/21/2023 60630454 Yes, it gave him a good idea of how to effectively work with others
04/21/2023 60630436 yes, better responsibility
04/21/2023 60630426 The leadership abilities were expanded based on the opportunities provided
04/21/2023 60630415 Yes, she spoke a lot about how she had to speak up for her inclusions for her group projects
04/21/2023 60630390 increased her confidence with engaging a big community project
04/21/2023 60630335 Yes. Instead of being a solo leader, she can be a better leader by including others.
04/21/2023 60630287 the kid more respondt.
04/21/2023 60630268 Yes, got to give him initiative in doing things
04/21/2023 60630175 Yes, it was a great experience for her to work with the women's Y.