
ELT and PLB Survey

For this survey, we're interested in finding out about how many owners have 406 MHz emergency locator transmitters compared to 121.5 MHz ELTs. We would also like to know if pilots and owners are using portable locator beacons or PLBs. We'll ask for your name and e-mail address just in case we have questions. You can also let us know if it's okay to use your name. Your e-mail address won't be used for any other purpose.
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Contact Information
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Is it okay to publish your comments with your name?
Do you have an ELT in your aircraft?
If you have a 406 MHz ELT, which model?
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If you have a 406 MHz ELT, about how long have you had it?
If you had the 406 MHz installed, why did you do so? (You can select more than one.)
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If you have a 406 MHz beacon, have you had a false or unintended activation?
If you had an unintended 406 MHz ELT activation, what were the circumstances and how was it resolved?
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Have you used the 406 MHz ELT in an actual emergency?
If you had an actual emergency with a 406 MHz ELT, how was it resolved?
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If you have a 121.5 MHz ELT, have you experienced a false or unintended activation?
If you had an unintended activation with a 121.5 MHz ELT, how was it resolved?
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If you have (or had) a 121.5 MHz ELT, did it ever activate in an actual emergency?
If you had an actual emergency with a 121.5 MHz ELT, how was it resolved?
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If having an ELT wasn't a regulatory requirement, would you still do it?
With regard to the 406 MHz ELT, how would you rate the cost/value?
If you're still flying with a 121.5 MHz ELT, do you plan to upgrade to a 406 MHz?
If you don't plan to upgrade, why not? (You can select more than one.)
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Any other general comments on either kind of ELT or your experiences with them, including battery costs and maintenance?
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When flying, do you routinely monitor 121.5 MHz with an available radio?
Do you have and/or use a personal locator beacon or PLB?
Do you have or use a satellite tracking/messenger device such as a Spot, Garmin inReach or Spidertracks?
Thanks for completing the survey.

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