
Admission Form

This form is for parents/carers of children who have been offered a place by Blackpool Council to join our school.  Your child will not have attended another school either in Blackpool, Lancashire or further a field and will be starting school for the first time in September.  

In addition to the completed form, will also need to see your child’s birth certificate, you can either email a photo to us at admin@hawes-side.co.uk.   Alternatively, we can collect a copy another way.

This form has some required questions, if these are not applicable to your child, please type N/A or ‘none’ to allow you to move to the next question.

If you are having any difficulties completing this form, please email admin@hawes-side.co.uk or call the school office on 01253 402541 and we will endeavour to help.

Please start with the survey now by clicking on the 'start' button below.
Create Your First Online Survey