
Additional Entities Workbook Survey

Please help us understand your experience with this subject matter.
Did you improve your knowledge about how to best structure a business, as a result of this resource?
Which of these statements apply to you and your situation, regarding multiple business structures? Select all that apply.
Did you gain knowledge that will help you leverage new market opportunities, as a result of this resource?
Demographic information greatly helps us understand our impact. We appreciate your response to the following questions.
Are you a farmer or rancher? THANK YOU for completing this demographic section before clicking DONE below.

Not a farmer or rancher? Skip to the bottom and click DONE.
Do you buy, sell, aggregate, store, produce, and/or distribute locally or regionally produced agriculture products?
Do you engage in any of the following on your farm or ranch?
Are you a beginning farmer in local/regional food production? Beginning farmer is defined as 10 or fewer years of experience.
Are you a socially disadvantaged farmer in local/regional food production? A socially disadvantaged farmer includes farmers who are Black or African American, American Indian or Alaska Native, Hispanic or Latino, and Asian or Pacific Islander
May we contact you to learn more about your experience with our materials? If so, please enter your email address below. Thank you in advance!
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