


This questionnaire presents the Guide of Standards for the Inclusion of University Students with Disabilities created to provide students with disabilities with a useful tool and quality information on European universities to improve decision-making concerning their studies and possible mobility. 
IMPORTANT: You can select one or two versions: a long version and a short version. We encourage you to complete the long version of 38 indicators, as it will not only give you a more complete picture of your policies and practices, but will also help European students who want to make more informed decisions when choosing a foreign university.
However, we understand that due to time constraints you may prefer to complete the short 14-indicator questionnaire first, and then finish the long version.
Please consider what versión fit best with your needs and select it after reading the following instructions.
  • We recommend that this questionnaire is completed by the existing strategic planning offices or similar in the universities (such us the International Relations Office, the vicerector of strategic planning or internationalization). In any case, it must be a person appointed by the university with institutional representation at the rector's level. It could be answered by more than one person. 
  • Throughout the process of completing this questionnaire, you can save your answer and continue later each time the "save and continue later" button appears. Your email will be requested and a link to the saved questionaire will be sent to you. If you want someone else from your team to complete the questionnaire, you must forward the link to this person.
  • At the end of each page you can go back to the previous one by clicking on the following symbol: <
  • Several keywords will appear in blue, by clicking on them you will have the definitions that constitute the conceptual framework of this guide. To access them right click and open a Google doc in a new window.Some indicators identify several related settings, which should be assessed separately. All the indicators have a measure that indicates the degree of achievement or development of the indicator in the institution. The measure format may vary for each indicator. If the indicator or any of its settings are not applicable to a particular institution, a “Not Applicable” option is available. In this case, the respondent is required to provide an explanation in the Remarks section. 
  • The institution is requested to provide evidence, such as documents, links, etc., to justify the assessment given. The Guide contains examples of possible forms of evidence that may be offered by the university. In some cases, certain mandatory documents or links are required, such as where to find information, contact data, or the specific services covered by the university. The criteria for determining these mandatory evidences is that they represent information of special relevance for students with disabilities.
  • There is a section for remarks, at the end of each indicator (after the evidence request) to write any relevant comments in each one of the indicators. We understand that each university and the normative of each country are different.
  •  With the exception of the evidence examples, all questions in this questionnaire are mandatory. The final analyisis will be made based on the questions you answer. When you go to the next page if you left questions unanswered the system will remind it to you.
  • We understand that each university and the normative of each country are different. If you feel that  the procedures of your universities (or your country) are no reflected in some of the indicators descriptions or the evidences requested please explain in the remarks box and add the evidence that you consider necessary. For example, in indicator 11 it could be that you don´t have tuition waivers because studying in your country is free of charge. In this case your answer should be “YES” (you offer tuition and free waivers) and the situation should be explained in the “remarks” box.
  • If you have any doubts when responding the questionnaire please always think of the information that is going to be useful for students. 
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