Customer Feedback

1.Based on your overall experience with IMS how likely would you be to recommend us?
2.Please rate IMS on the following parameters:
Very Satisfied
Very Dissatisfied
Quality of our products
Delivery time of our products
Pricing of our products
Reliability of our products
3.How well did our products meet your expectations?
4. How was your experience in the following areas of our customer service:
Very satisfactory
Somewhat satisfactory
Somewhat unsatisfactory
Very unsatisfactory
Pre-purchase support
Post-purchase support
Issue resolution speed
5.How often do you use our products / services?
6.Rate your overall experience, 5 stars being the highest
Row 1
7.Do you have any other feedback you would like us to review? (If you would like us to discuss this with you, please provide your name and email address)
8.Would you be happy for us to use your answers given as a testimonial for our website?
9.If you've answered yes to question 8, would you be happy for us to use your company name or would you prefer your answers to remain anonymous? 
10.If you're happy for us to use your company name please state the name of your company below
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